11 - Draught of peace (part 2)

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The following weeks was stressful. All the teachers made sure that we knew how important O.W. L's was for us to get a great education after Hogwarts. I really struggled much more then I was used to, also in the classes I was good at. One day I even asked Professor Sprout about getting a tutor, to help me studding Herbology. I hoped that she would consider Cedric, but she thought it would be easier for me to study with someone from my own house. So, she asked Neville Longbottom as a tutor for my homework's, and he agreed to help me. We got along nicely. Neville and I had never really spoken that much before. Neville was good with Herbology, and he helped me to that point that I was no longer behind in that class. Even though Cedric wasn't considered as my tutor, he helped me get by on other classes like potion and transformation. It was a nice excuse to hang out with him after classes. While he was helping me, he of cause did his own homework so he didn't got behind with his N.E.W.T's. Beside the homework's Cedric and I had started to hang out more in our spare time. Mostly because our best friends had started dating. Gabriel and Katie started going out some days after our morning walk to the lake. They had been writing a lot to each other over the summer. I wasn't surprised, they have been flirting for a while now, and this was just about time. Now I was just waiting on Cedric to make his move. The tension was surely there, but he always seemed to back out when the timing was perfect. I was not confident to make the move myself. I didn't want it to end badly. It wasn't like with Adrian. With him I didn't have a friendship to lose. And surely after the last time I kissed Cedric, I was afraid to end it in an awkward way and get left unridden once again.

Amelia and I had talked things over, about her leaving without telling me. She made me swear that I wouldn't tell a soul, not even Katie. Amelia's dad worked as an auror and their family needed to get out of the country for their own protection, after a mission went bad. Therefor she had to transfer school and go under a new identity, without anyone knowing. And thankfully the bad guys was caught last year, so they weren't in any danger anymore and her family decided to move back to England, so Amelia could get back to Hogwarts. She wasn't fond of the wizarding school in France. It was stricter and more formal than Hogwarts. Even though she told me that the dating among students was much wilder in France.

Fred and George were planning on a joke shop, just like Zunko's, but bigger and better. I therefor didn't spend as much time with them as I wanted to. I sometimes volunteered to help Fred steeling ingredients from Snapes office only to spend a bit more time with him. The heat between Fred and I was completely gone, it was like the kiss and the teasing over the summer had never happened. But it felt kind of undone to me, because we never spoke about it. And I kind of wanted the tension back. The one thing that was bothering me more than the stuff with Cedric's timing and Fred's non existing tension was the way that the Slytherin boys had started to act when I walked past them. It was properly Adrian who had told them something about me. He had acted all wired after my letter, where I explained to him that I wanted to be friends, but that I liked him and wanted to get to know him better before starting anything.

"Daydreaming again" Fred asked. We were sitting by the fireplace in the common room. "Sorry I'm just really tired" I answered. Katie and I was doing homework, and I was in that state of tiredness that the words was dancing on the pages. Amelia and Lee were cuddling on the chough. I couldn't really figure out what was going on between the two of them, but they were being really friendly these days. Maybe it was the weather. Fred and George were planning some pranks, they had taken a little time of their joke show, just to mess with others as they used to do. Or something like that. I stopped paying attention a long time ago.

It was start of October, and it was starting to get a little chilly, so we were all cuddling with a lot of blankets in the common room. "Have you talked to Adrian yet" Amelia asked. "No, I haven't had the chance" I answered while turning pages in The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 5. "Why would you have something to say to Adrian" Fred asked. And for the first time since the world cup, Fred acted a bit jealous. Maybe he had been too busy to see what was going on between Cedric and I, or maybe he didn't care about that. Maybe he thought that a Slytherin wasn't good enough for me and that was kind of sweet too. "They snogged this summer" Katie spoiled. Shit, I have totally forgot to inform Kate that I never had the chance to tell Fred about Adrian's party. And I accurately never told anyone about the fact that Fred and I had kissed after the world cup. I looked at him, and I could feel the heat worming up my cheeks, making me blush a little. "You haven't told me that" Fred said and smiled to me. He was much calmer than I had expected and then he locked eyes with me. It was like he wasn't surprised. "Sorry, it wasn't a big deal" I lied, looking back into my book, trying to avoid the whole situation. "I can tell" Fred answered. I looked up at Fred again. I could feel the everyone at the fireplace looking at Fred and me. The blood was rushing to my face, making me blush a bit. "What do you mean" I asked. "I mean" Fred started. "Please guys, can we not do this again" Lee interrupted. "Do what" Fred and I said at once. "It's just, you guys has been bickering about anything lately. And it's kind of a mood killer" Lee said. "We don't do that" Fred said loud. "No, that's rubbish" I said and wrinkled my eyebrow. "You do and it's not" George said. Fred and I looked at each other again. "What" I asked, nearly shouted. "I'm always hanging out with the two of you, and after your kiss at the world cup, you guys have been acting all wired around each other and it's kind of exhausting" Geroge said calmly. He was right though, but it was kind of awkward that it was so noticeable that everyone around us was annoyed by it. "Wait what kiss" Katie busted out totally surprised. "Nothing. And that is totally not true George" I gritted. "Don't worry about that Katie. No, it's not, we are always very friendly" Fred added offended to what I had just said. Fred then wrapped a friendly arm around my shoulder. 

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