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~Kamila's POV~

I was getting ready and decided I needed to pregame. "JEREMIAH BRING ME MY BOTTLE OF TITOS" I shouted. He brought me my bottle and I started to pace myself so I wouldn't be wasted before I got there. I was finally done getting ready and was ready to head out.



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I got downstairs and saw everyone downstairs. "Who's gonna be DD tonight?" I asked "I'll do it" Skye volunteered.

We got the party and party was an understatement atp. I mean the house was so big and there was a million people there. "Yo this is shit is lit asf" Steven said in complete awe. I got me and Jere some drinks and we were headed to the dance floor. We were grinding and colliding. Our bodies so close not even air could pass through. "Oh my god. Jeremiah is that you?" Some random blonde approached him. "Hey Gigi" he waved "who's this" she looked me up and down and smiled. "This is Kamila" he smiled, he could've let her know we're together. I smiled at her and waved.

"Do you wanna grab a drink and catch up" she invited "is that okay with you" he looked at me. "Yeah" I lied "you sure?" He questioned "yea go have fun" I smiled. After he left I decided to try and find Taylor and Belly. I saw Taylor getting a drink so I decided to grab one with her. "Hey Kami" she smiled "hey Tay" I smiled back. "Girl what's wrong" she turned to look at me "what do you mean" I played dumb. "You look not happy" she laughed "some girl named Gigi popped up-" before I could finish she said "oh say no more I already know her and her crush on Jeremy" she fake gagged. Me and Taylor spent like 20 minutes gossiping before Jeremiah came back.

"How was drinks" I took a sip of my drink preparing to be irritated with whatever happened. "It was okay I guess" he shrugged. I raised brow "why what happened?" I questioned "she was asking way to many questions ab our relationship" he took a swig of his drink. "Well what did she ask?" I raised a brow "just if we were serious or not, stuff like that" he admitted. My eyes rolled at the thought of her annoying voice "well good that she knows that your taken" I smiled. 

It was about 4 hours later and everyone was wasted including Skye. Everyone was too busy partying to realize we were stranded here. I texted the group chat "meat ib the bathfoom ul stiaars." When everyone got upstairs I asked "so who isn't drunk" nobody replied. "Fuck who's gonna drive us home?" Belly questioned "let's just not drink anymore and try and find water also just wait it out until someone feels sober enough to drive" Steven suggested. Everyone agreed and went downstairs to chill on the couch for now. After about 30 minutes my eyes started to feel heavy.

I woke up to see Jere, Skye, Taylor, Belly, Steven, and Connie all passed out. "Guys wake up" everyone groaned. "Wake up we fell asleep at some strangers house" I whisper shouted. Everyone jolted up after that. I started pacing around "how could we let this happen" I face palmed. "Well I still have the keys" Skye jiggled them, I just have them a thumbs up. "Let's try and sneak out" Con suggested. We tried to get to the front door before a voice called out "what the fuck are you guys doing?" We turned around to see a random girl. "Oh um we accidentally fell asleep last night.." I didn't even bother to lie. She laughed "don't worry happens all the time, just usually in the bedrooms" she let us out.

"Well that was awkward" I laughed. Once we got back to the house I decided to make breakfast. "So what's on the menu chef" Jeremiah asked "pancakes and bacon" I grabbed the pancake mix. I grabbed my airpods and got to work. I decided to add chocolate chips to the pancakes. I was mid way through stevens 2nd pancake when my mom called me. "Hey ma" I smiled "hey baby have you seen your brother?" She asked. "Um no why?" My suspense was rising since she never asked about my brother unless he was doing something stupid. My brother was always getting in trouble he got locked up last year for selling drugs and when we were kids he was always a trouble maker. "He just has been m.i.a" her voice filled with worry. "Well you know manny, he knows to handle himself" I reassured her. After catching up with my mom I was all done cooking.

Everyone was eating in a comfortable silence. "So last night was crazy huh" I broke the silence. "Yeah I remember you being totally wasted and almost jumping off of a balcony" Steven laughed. "I did that?!?" I was in shock since I didn't remember, he just nodded and giggled to himself. Everyone was talking about how crazy everyone was being and overall having a good time.

I heard a knock at the door and I went to go open it. "What the fuck are you doing here?" I asked "nothing I just need a place to stay for a night" Manny rushed in. "No no no you cannot stay here" I shook my head. "Manny?" Jeremiah said confused "hey Jere" Manny waved. "Guys meet Manny my stupid ass brother" I smacked the back of his head. "Look Kami I just need one night so these dudes are off my back" he pleaded. "Manny I'm not gonna put my friends and boyfriend at risk for your stupidness" I put my hand on my forehead. "Please" he looked down "fine but one night and your out" he shook his head and I showed him to the living room where he would be staying.

"Sorry if I agreed and didn't ask you guys" I apologized "no it's okay we're fine with it" Belly said. I decided to take a shower to relive my stress from this situation. I got my speaker and played 'revenge' by X and hopped in. "Baby?" Jeremiah walked in "yeah" I poked my head out. "You okay..?" His voice trailed off "yeah it's just so random that he's here" I laughed. Me and Jere spent the rest of my shower talking and laughing. These were the moments I cherished. They were filled with warmth and love and it comforted me.

After I got dressed I started my skin care. "JERE LEMME DO YOUR SKIN CARE" I squealed "fineee" he rolled his eyes. After doing the basics I grabbed two face mask and put them on us. "We're so cute" he squished my face and gave me a kiss.

Cousins, Massachusetts

Jere_bearCousins, Massachusetts

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❤️ liked by Kami.. Belly_bells and 789 others
Jere_bear the shit I let her do😪🩷
1 hour ago

I'm sorry for not posting in 3 days I've js been so busyyyy with getting ready to go back to school 🤢. Sorry it's so short but I js needed to post something for you guys. Love you guys🩷🩷

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