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~ Jeremiah's POV~

After we finished our face mask and washed our faces I headed downstairs. "Hey Manny" I sat down next to him "hey Jere" he looked down. "What's up with you?" I asked "I'm just in some fuck shit right now" he took a deep breath. "If you don't mind me asking what..happened" I turned towards him. "I borrowed a lot of weed from someone and I need to pay him $5,000. I don't have it and now he's probably gonna kill me" he sighed. "Damn that's rough but you'll make it eventually" I pat his back.

I went upstairs to see Kam getting ready for a run. I told her everything that Manny told me and she just rolled her eyes. "I'm gonna go talk to him" she ran off.

~ Kamila's POV ~

I walked downstairs to where my brother was trying to sleep. I hit with a pillow hard asf "wake up jack ass" I shouted. "Ow what the fuck Kami" he groaned "stop trying to guilt trip niggas into giving you money especially my boyfriend" I scoffed. "I wasn't even doing that, I'm actually in deep shit" he shouted. "Stop fucking lying, you told that same exact story to Ramire" I crossed my arms. "I'm sorry okay I just need a little cash right now" he groaned. I got my phone and cash app him $600 "here thats enough to get you a motel room for the night and to drive your ass home so you can get a job" I sat down. "Thank you how can I repay you" he smiled "by leaving" I avoided eye contact. He looked down grabbed his stuff and left.

I walked up stairs and just groaned "give me a hug I need it" I opened my arms. He gave me a hug and I told him what went down. He laughed it off and made me laugh. "Since I did your skin care can I do your makeup?" I smiled "mmm no that's a bit much" he shook his head. "Pleaseee I'll give you a massage later" I pleaded he shook his head. "I'll let you teach me how to surf" I almost regretted since I was terrified of surfing "deal" he smiled.

I started by putting some primer on him "why is it so "sticky" he asked "that's how it's supposed to be dummy" I laughed. I borrowed Taylor's foundation and concealer and applied it to his face. "Ow your sponge thing hurts" he pouted "no it doesn't drama queen" I rolled my eyes. I applied blush and and added high lighter. I started to bake and do his eye shadow and mascara. I blended the powder and added some lashes. "You ready for the reveal" I smirked "finally it's been forever" he sighed. He looked at him self "dude I look so..beautiful" she smiled. "Duhhh I did it" I said sarcastically. I brought him downstairs to show every one the new and improved Jeremiah Fisher. "Damn Taylor you have some competition" Steven bit his lip, she shoved him and rolled his eyes. "Wow Jeremey you look like a princess" Taylor laughed "I agree" Belly giggled. Con and Skye were to busy laughing to say anything.

Cousins, Massachusetts

Cousins, Massachusetts

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