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~ Kamila's pov ~

I went to go make a snack but realized we were basically out of food. I grabbed my my keys and asked for everyone to text me a list of stuff they wanted. When I got the grocery store I bumped into a random girl. "Oh I'm sorry, are you okay?" I asked "yeah I'm fine-" she cut her self off and her eyes went wide. "What?" I was confused "omg you're Kamila" she squealed "not to sound rude or anything but I have I meant you before?" I awkwardly laughed. "Oh um no I just follow ur Instagram" she smiled "ohhh well hey girll" I gave her a side hug. After talking to the girl for about 10 minutes I got back to shopping.

I got Jeremiah and me chips, Nutella, Sour Patch Kids, and a sprite. I got Steven and Taylor Gold Fish, a Orange soda, Cheesy Cheetos, and Sour skittles. Lastly I got Belly and Connie Sour Patch Kids, Hot Cheeto Puffs, a Dr. Pepper, and Takis. Since every one suggested snacks I needed to get real food now. After that I was finally done shopping I decided to go to the library.

I needed to check out two books, one for me and one for Jere. I decided to get 'They Both Die At The End' and some book Jere recommended awhile ago.

I was finally back at the house and put all the groceries away. I delivered everyone there bags of snacks and put the drinks in the fridge. I decided to cook buffalo wings. "Lemme help" Steven asked "dip all the wings in the sauce" I told him. After about 30 minutes all the food was done. "Y'all come eat" I sounded just like my momma.

"Where's Skye?" I asked "they went home" Jere continued eating. I was eating my wings when I heard "he fucking that shit up" I looked up and saw Jeremiah laughing. "Fuck you nigga" I rolled my eyes and laughed. "Y'all would be starving without her" Belly defended me. "Don't make me tell them the sounds you were making at that hotel though" Jere looked at me. "Ooooo" Tay said looking at me, I looked down out of embarrassment. "Look at his neck" I laughed "damn Kami you marked him all the way up" Con gasped. Jere rolled his eyes and continued eating.

I put all the dishes in the dish washer and headed upstairs to the bedroom. I needed a serious nap, I was getting ready for my nap when Jere came in. "Have you seen my necklace I took it off and I can't find it" he was freaking out. "No I haven't sorry baby" I laid back down until I heard a loud "FUCK" from Jere. "Woah baby it's okay it's just a necklace you'll find it" I walked up to him. "No Kami it's not just some necklace my mom gave me that" he was starting to have a panic attack. "Okay bear we're gonna find it it" I tried to calmed him down. He was pacing a lot, I could tell that he wasn't calming down until he found it. "I'm gonna go check the bathroom" I walked across the hall. I didn't find it in there so I checked downstairs and it was no where to be seen. I walked to his car and saw that it was on the inside of his arm rest.

I walked back to the house and saw Jere looking frantically and crying in the process. "Baby it's okay I found it" I walked up to him. He took a sigh of relief and put it back on. "Thank you so much" he gave me a big hug. "You wanna take a nap with me?" I asked, he nodded and we headed up stairs.

I woke up and checked my phone to see it was 2 in the morning. Jere was still fast asleep and snoring so I got up to use the bathroom. I felt arms wrap around me and I screamed. "Jesus it's just me Kam" Jere jumped. "Don't fucking scare me like that" I hit his arm. "I couldn't help it, I woke up when I felt ur warmth disappeared" he put his face in my neck.

"We needa go back to sleep it's late as fuck" I laughed. "Or we could be fun and pull an all nighter and watch the sunrise at the beach" he yawned. That did sound pretty fun "sure why not" I gave him a kiss.

Cousins, Massachusetts

Jere_bearCousins, Massachusetts

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❤️ liked by Kami.. connie___ and 789 others
Jere_bear this mf won't get off me #freejeremiah
2 hours ago

The sun was starting to rise so we rushed to the beach. When we got there we could see all of the beautiful colors mixing with each other creating a wonderful ombré. "Wow that's pretty" I broke the silence. Jeremiah put his hand in mine and spun me around, he gave me a long kiss and put his forehead against mine. "Kam can I ask you something?" He asked "yeah of course" I reassured him. "Do you forgive me, you know about march?" I could tell this had been on his chest. "I mean for now yeah but it's not really about me forgiving you, it's about you not making that same mistake" I shrugged. He gave me another kiss before taking off his shirt and running to the ocean.

After about 30 minutes of playing like little kids in the water I was starting to get really tired. We walked back to the house. "Kam stay up for a little bit longer" he asked "no I'm super tired" I yawned "ugh whatever" he turned around so he wasn't facing me "okay mr. Sass" I rolled my eyes. I decided to record him acting sassy and posted it on TikTok and mentioned him in it. "Nobody is acting sassy Kamila" he scoffed "yeah..okay" I laughed.


i hate that i love you |j.f|Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя