Chapter Four.

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I found myself in my dream land once again and my mother appears. " Hello my dear it's good to see you wearing that dress." she said while taking my hand." There is a few things I need to tell you dear, a contiuence I must say. The witch from the story my dear is your ancestors every year after her there has always been females. Your great great so on grandmother for seen the prophecy of you my dear, and for centuries in our family we pass on the legacy until I knew I held the 100th generation in my womb." she paused "You see my dear you are full witch your fathers a warlock and will come into powers on your 20th birthday we had then delayed til you was old enough to understand. I also am sorry to say this but your father and I aren't dead we have being living in the kingdom of the super natural world." She told me " We had to come help with the wars and attacks on the castle by bad Vampires."

"Mary wake up!" Charles said while shaking me. " I looked at him and smiled " My parents are at your Kingdom aren't they?" He smiled at me and said "Yes my sweetheart they are." I was so realived they were still alive. Wait I am a witch and I will have powers on my 20th birthday which was a few months away. "Charles I am a witch." I told him " I know dear, Mary I am a vampire!" he said nervously. "You are way better looking than Edward Cullen, in my eyes and I don't care that you are a vampire." I smiled he leaned in a kissed me and it was like everything inside me turned to jelly I don't think I can be teased much more before I tackle him literally.

Our flight came to a hault after another twenty minutes or so. "We will be there shortly after we leave the plane." he assured me " I need to let Lisa know what is going on." I said to Charles as I rose from my seat and headed to the seat beside her. " Hey Lis, I need to tell ya some things." I spoke nervously " I already know I over heard you talking. You are so lucky Mar." she said with a look of hurt in her eyes. " Lis I am not going to forget about you whatever greatness in life I accomplish you will be with me all the way your my sister." I said while giving her a hug. " Thanks Mary I wished we were blood sisters so I could be cool like you." she admited " You are cool, you are the coolest person I know" I told her as we exited the plane. I took Charles hand and he lead us to another limo and we got in and took off.

I was excited and nervous all at the same time. I was going to see my parents again I never could be any happier I thought. " I love you Mary, I am so glad you understand I was so worried you would hate me for who I am." he told me " I would never hate you it isn't your fault that you got tured. Atleast you respect humans and don't kill them." I assured him as I took his hand in mine. Who I was I kidding since he came into my life I have felt complete. The ride was a long one and it was exuasting. When we arrived at the gate to the kingdom I took it all in as the castle came into view. " Wow it's amazing!" I said in awe. " I am glad you like it my sweet Mary this one day will all be ours."

We got out of limo and made our way up the winding steps to the castle door. "I will show you ladies to your rooms. Then you can wash up and rested and I will have the cooks have breakfast waiting in the.morning." We took the stairs and came to the first landing and followed him down the hall. "First stop, Lisa this will be your room here, and down the hall there will be our room Mary. Unless you want your own room." he said looking away from me." No, I will share with you." I smiled and kissed him lightly on the lips. "Why would I not want to, you have made my life so much happier." I said to him as we headed towards our room.

As we walked in it was like I walked into a expensive hotel sweet. In the middle of the room was mega king sized bed with snow white down blackets and pillows all over it gold trim. The armoire, and dressers where magnifcant cherry oak. " I have a surprise for you my love." he said as he took my hand pulled me to sliding doors. As he slid them open before me was the biggest walk in closet I have ever seen. There was so many clothes for a women I could open a boutique. "Are these mine?" I asked him abruptley. "Of course they are, you are going to be dear. You got to dress the part." he leaned down and kissed me. " You are the greatest man on earth" I said through a huge smile. " Anything for my soulmate. I have been waiting my whole supernatural life." I was the luckiest woman alive to have a man this great and who cares if heart doesn't beat he is more alive to me than any man in my life. " let me show you the bathroom my sweet Mary." He led me to another set of double sliding doors and opened them there was a.huge marble tub and huge marble walk in shower."Wow it is amazing Charles, you have made me the happiest girl alive." I said then kissed him pationatly, his hands slid down my back and pulled us closer as we deepened the kiss. I started to trail my hands down his torso, then he pulled away. " sweet heart call me old fashioned, but we stop because I want to wait." he said to me and kissed me lightly." Go wash up and get some sleep and I will come lie with you while you sleep. I am going to let our parents know we arrived safe and that you can spend time.with them onced you have rested." he said to me and kissed my cheek and walked out the door.

I was so excited that I was getting to see my parents again. I know Lisa will be thrilled to see them again too my parents have pretty much raised her because her parents were always traveling around the world and my mom and hers were best friends so we kept her for them. I went into the closet and found a drawer of lingerie and I got out my panties and bra and a black silk nightie. I took my things to the bathroom then lied them on the counter top. I went over to the tub and ran adjusted the water to my left I noticed a basket of salts so I grabbed some lavender and vanilla and sprinkled it in the water now time to relax.

I finished bathing in the tub, theb got out to dry off. I wrapped uo my hair and put on my night clothes. I brushed my teeth and combed my hair then I made my way to that ginormous bed calling my name. Once I was settled in it didn't take me long to fall into a deep joyful sleep.

This is my first try at this so please look over some errors. I hope you all enjoy my story. :) Leave me comments.

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