Chapter Eleven.

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Once again I was in the woods somewhere and I heard footsteps as I crouched down I seen Lisa floating I'm air and water headed straight for Harles. This can't be she must be under a spell, then things got cloudy as if someone wants to keep me from seeing anything else.

I rose straight up from my bed without saying a word to Charles and ran straight to Lisa's room only to find Randall laying there. "This can't be right!" I screamed tears started pouring down my face the wedding was tomorrow and I couldn't not have the double wedding we planned so long together for. "Randall, he has her under some spell and someone blocked my vision so I don't know where she is." I cried! Charles came running in grabbed me "we will fix this don't you worry." Randall jumped up and went flying out the door. "Where is he going?" Charles just looked down amd whispered, "he is gonna try and track her sent."  

I had to think and fast I couldn't let them get away with taking her so I ran to the alchemy room and made the potion my dad taught me to enhance visions and I quickly drank it not caring the consequences. I let out a scream and hit the ground, everything was dark at first but then things came clear I was seeing through someone else's eyes I think it was Lisa's i could see a dungeon of some sort surrounded by lots of guards. I knew where she was and it wasn't going to be easy to get her but we had too. I knew that me and Charles was gonna have to say our vows before the actual wedding to save Lisa and end the brutality once and for all. 

"Mary!" I could hear Charles yelling out to me. I gave myself a moment to collect my thoughts then I looked at him. " I know where she is and the only way we can save her and end the brutality we have to say our vows and consummate the marriage and bring war to them because she's in there dungeon surrounded by a lot of guards there whole army and Harles is gonna force her hand in marriage at midnight." I told him. " Okay then to the priest." He said. He picked me up and carried me to the Royal chapel and called in our family, " this has to be done in order to save Lisa, but we are still gonna have the proper ceremony tomorrow once we save her tonight." They all knocked there heads even Randall because we all wanted her home safe. The priest went on and we repeated the vows, as we ended with " I do." He leaned in to kiss me, " I now pronounce you husband and wife". He picked me up and carried me graciously up the stairs to our room. He opened the door we stepped inside he let me down and slowly leaned down to kiss me, we continued to kiss as he picked me up and he laid me on the bed and started to pull my dress off as he kissed down my neck then he undone my bra and lose down my chest, he slowly kissed down my torso and pulled my panties off next. " Are you ready!" He smiled. I reached up and started kissing him as he started to make love to me it hurt for just a second but then felt like eternal bliss. We continued for a few hours then once we stopped we had to change the bed sheets and I felt myself feel weird inside i put my clothes back on and stuck my hand in the pocket to find the orange lotus flower. " It's time" I told him "gather all the troops this is the moment we have all been waiting for the can be Lisa but leave the brutality to me." I exclaimed "yes my dear." Charles stated and kissed me. We will meet at the wagons in thirty minutes.

I quickly got dressed and was down there before anyone, finally one by on the troops, Charles, Randall, even Anthony Riles was all there and we loaded up. We headed off to the other side of Italy where the brutality clan castle as we approached I quickly ate the flower and felt myself be engulfed with power. I felt unstoppable I jumped out of the wagon and burst the doors open with lightening bolts co!IMG from my hands everyone else was running behind me. " You find Lisa I'm taking out the clan." I shouted and took off blasting anyone that came in my path with everything I had. "Finally we meet." I said to these six men sitting in thrones as if they were kings. "Are you ready to die?" Everett said to me. "No, but are you!" I shouted and they stood. " Etendio Marvo" I shouted and one by one they started to crumble to ash as I looked around everyone was fighting I seem Randall and Harles going head on. I could sense Charles in distress I ran to him and see three on him at once with a wave of my hand the went flying across the room. "My hero" he kissed me. "Lets find Lisa and get out of here." We made our way to the dungeon and untied her. "Thank goodness i was so worried I'm would have to marry that thing." She cried " never!" Randall said as he scooped he up in his arms and kissed her passionately.

  We made it back to the castle around 2:00 am by this point o was exhausted and we all knew that eventually the brutality would try to reform but would take them forever to be brave enough to bother us again but we would be ready, but finally me and Lisa could have our big day. "You ready for bed my love?" Charles picked me up and once in our room I quickly bathed and joined him in bed were I drifted off fastly to sleep.

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