Chapter Six.

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Once again I was dreaming, but something felt off. This place was different I have never seen it before. I heard voices up ahead of me, I made my way behind some bushes and listened to see who was talking. " Do you think it will work?" I heard a raspy voice speak. " It has to we have no choice, but to kill the girl or we are done for Everett." I heard a different male voice say as some one else approached them. " Boss we don't even know what her gift is." I heard the third male say at that moment I knew they were talking about me. I panicked and took off runnning as fast as I could. I knew they were behind me and coming quick, all of a sudden they had me surrounded red eyes and sharp teeth.

"Sweetheart, wakeup! are you okay?" I heard Charles calling me I jumped up and looked around I was back in our bedroom. "They were chasing me, there coming after me!" I shrieked. "Who Mary?" he looked at me troubled. "Someone named Everett and others." I sobbed and burried my face into his chest. My mother ad father burst into the room "What happened Princess?" my father said to me as if I was five again having a nightmare. I told them every detail of my dream and my mother seems to think my powers are making an early appearance. My father and Charles went to speak with the King about the new coming information in how the brutality plan to kid nap me I was over whelmed.

My mother stayed with me and stroked my hair while my head lied in her lap. "Mom how did you and dad know to come in here?" I asked her "Everyones gifts are different my dear Charles can read thoughts and can send messages to someone telepathically," she looked down at me "Neat, whats yours mom?" I asked curiously " I can communicate by dreams ofcourse and I can produce wind." she smiled "Remember the so called tornado when you was young and me and your father was arguing, that was me." she blushed "thats neat mom, what about dad?" I said to her, " Your father can control the five elements thats why he is in charge of the Kings army." she said proudly." Wow he must be strong." I told her. We talked a bit longer and I learned my sister could produce mind control over someone. I learned that vampires usually get one gift sometimes two and we get two powers always and can cast spells.

I took a shower after my nerves calmed down a bit. Once I was out I put on my outfit for today and my makeup. I wanted to look nice since I was meeting my future in laws today. I decided to stop by Lisa's room to see how she was, I was missing her presence. "Hey sleepy head " I said as I walked in her room. She was sitting on Randalls lap "Oh sorry for intruding." I said to them "Its fine, I need to attend to some things. I will see you later Lisa," he leaned down and planted a kiss on my red cheeked best friendn "Okay!" she squeeled. I couldn't help but laugh at her excitement. "So tell me everything." I throwed a pillow at her, she told me about Randall and I let her know about my dream and my engagement. She was happy for me and I was for her as well.

When we finished talking we joined my mother in the library to start training. My mother showed us combat fighting all the way to a few spells we would need incase we were being attacked. We worked until lunch then she told us we were done for today.

I walked from the library to the dinning hall to be seated for lunch and I took my place beside Charles. "Mary I want you to meet my mother Vivian, and my father Arthur." he me "How do you do?" I smiled " Hello my dear." Vivian beamed "Charles she stunning, you will give me gorgeous grandchildren." she hugged me and took her seat. I was telling King Arthur of my dream and he assured me he would do all he could to protect me.

There was a scream in the corridor my mother came running in."It's time Laura is going into labor." she bolted back out the door with my father running after her. Charled took my hand and we headed to the hospital wing of the Castle. We waited in the small waiting area what seemed like ages then my mother appeared and motioned us to follow her. Once in the room I glanced in my sisters arms and there he was pink from just being born wrapped in blue blankets, he was gorgeous."Do you want to hold him mary?" my sister asked me as she handed him to mom to give to me. He was so small as.I took him in my arms. " Hi little Noah you are so cute, I am your auntie I love you." he cooed in my arms and squirmed. I handed him back to his momma. " Laura he be fed." Charles told her and smiled "Thanks" she said to him. We walked out so she could feed him in peace.

Once we were out of the hospital wing my stomache growled. " Dinner should be done." Charles said while we walked to the dinning room. This time it was only me and him in the room, we took a seat and had our meals. Once finished he picked me up and ran us to our room. I steadied myself on the floor and went to the closet for some night clothes. As soon as I changed and brushed my teeth I joined Charles on the bed and cuddled up to him. "I love you Mary!" was the last thing I heard before I drifted off to sleep.

This is my first try at this so please look over some errors. I hope you all enjoy my story. :) Leave me comments.

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