Chapter 7

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Becky's POV

The gentle rays of dawn filtered through the curtains, casting a serene ambiance across the yacht's interior. With the world still enveloped in slumber, I found myself drawn to the quiet presence of Freen. She sat at a table, breakfast spread before her, engrossed in a book that recounted tales of World Wars. Slowly, I approached, my steps deliberate so as not to disturb her.

"Starting your day with a bit of history, huh?" I quipped, a hint of amusement in my tone.

Freen's lips curled into a faint smile, her eyes skimming the pages. 

"Irony seems to be my closest companion these days."

Settling into a nearby seat, I glanced at her choice of reading material. 

"Reading about wars while you're supposed to be the unifying symbol of the nation – quite the contrast."

A soft chuckle escaped her. 

"History has its lessons, even for someone like me."

Teasingly, I leaned in a little. 

"Speaking of history, did you catch Saint's drama with his newfound companion? Apparently, she's the daughter of a tech tycoon. He's stepping into a whole different realm, oblivious to the consequences."

Freen's amusement danced in her eyes. 

"Ignorance can indeed be bliss."

I leaned in a bit closer, my curiosity getting the better of me. 

"So, what's the early morning agenda for the first lady?"

A glint of mischief graced Freen's gaze. 

"Preparation for the unfolding storm – the day ahead."

With a chuckle, I nodded in agreement. 

"Ah, the brewing storm of drama and intrigue."

As the conversation veered toward the subject of the day, Freen's keen eyes met mine, and her tone turned inquisitive. 

"And what brings you to the scene, Becky?"

I shrugged nonchalantly. 

"Just wanted to seize the moment of tranquility before the chaos."

Freen's smile deepened, a knowing glint in her eyes. 

"Or perhaps there's more to your presence than meets the eye?"

I matched her gaze with a casual smile, deflecting the implication. 

"Who, me? Just an observer of human nature."

Freen's smile turned enigmatic, a subtle acknowledgment of the unspoken. 

"Human nature can be quite the spectacle."

Shifting the topic, I voiced a curiosity that had been lingering. 

"I've heard a lot about you so far. You've undergone quite the transformation, my dear First Lady. From someone who opposed same-sex marriage to being its champion. That's a significant shift."

Freen's expression turned introspective, a mix of emotions flickering across her features. 

"People are quick to judge, to assume there's a hidden agenda."

I nodded, genuinely intrigued. 

"So, what's the real story behind then?"

Freen hesitated, as if deliberating whether to share something personal. 

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