Chapter 12

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Becky's POV

The morning sun painted the yacht's deck with a soft glow, casting a warm hue over the conversations that unfolded. Freen, ever the early riser, was immersed in animated conversation with Ken Chan, their laughter echoing through the air. As I observed them discreetly, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to their camaraderie than met the eye.

My research had painted Ken Chan as a successful businessman with close ties to Freen. Too close, perhaps. I watched as they exchanged glances that lingered just a moment too long, their hands almost touching before Rose's arrival interrupted the scene. Their sudden distance spoke volumes – enough to pique my curiosity.

A plan began to form in my mind, a subtle test to gauge the reactions of those around us. If Freen's secret lover was among our midst, my little flirtatious acts should surely trigger a response. And so, as we gathered for breakfast, I decided to put my theory to the test.

I allowed my laughter to flow freely, my touches on Freen's arm lingering a heartbeat longer than necessary. As the conversations carried on, I discreetly observed the guests, watching for any signs of jealousy or discomfort. And then, a subtle shift caught my attention.

D.O, someone who had appeared amiable but reserved, approached me in private. His warning was stern, his eyes harboring a depth of concern I hadn't expected. 

"Becky, I think it's best if you refrain from such actions around Freen."

I widened my eyes in mock innocence, pretending not to understand. 

"What are you talking about, D.O?"

His gaze didn't waver, his words measured. 

"We don't want misunderstandings. Freen is married, and your behavior could potentially lead to a national scandal. Nobody wants that."

His words hit me like a slap of reality, a stark reminder of the stakes that were at play. I chuckled nervously, feeling the heat of embarrassment creep onto my cheeks. 

"Oh, I didn't mean anything by it. Just having a little fun."

D.O's expression softened, his concern genuine. 

"I understand, but please, be mindful of the implications. Freen is a dear friend, and we all care for her well-being. And in addition to that remark, you're embarrassing yourself."

As he walked away, leaving me to my thoughts, I realized that my assumption had been partially correct – there was a deep bond between Freen and D.O, one that transcended friendship. But it wasn't the kind of bond that I had initially suspected. Instead, it seemed to be rooted in a genuine concern for Freen's reputation, a shared desire to protect her from potential harm.

As I reflected on the encounter, I couldn't help but feel a mix of embarrassment and relief. My plan to uncover Freen's secret lover had backfired, but in the process, I had gained a deeper understanding of the relationships that intertwined on this yacht. And as the days rolled on, the mysteries only seemed to deepen, the layers of intrigue growing thicker with each passing moment.


Nam's POV

As I settled into my seat, I leaned in, my voice dripping with playful mischief. 

"Well, well, Freen, seems like you've caught quite the admirer in Becky."

Freen rolled her eyes at my teasing, her lips twitching into an amused smile. 

"Nam, you're reading too much into it."

My laughter was contagious, my eyes dancing with amusement. 

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