Chapter 2

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(The girl in picture at the top is what Avery looks like)

***Avery's POV***

I woke up in my apartment sweaty as hell.

"Hot Dayummmm" I said to myself, as I forgot to turn on the AC. You would think I should know to do this everyday since I live in LA, but I don't.

When I was 3 my parents and me moved to the U.S.A from the U.K. They moved for work and we kept getting moved around till finally when I was 9, we made our final move to Los Angeles, California.

I probably moved about 10 times when I was little.

I don't remember when I lived in the U.K, but my parents said I was happy and I guess I liked it.

But that was then and this is now.

And now I need to turn on the AC.

I sighed and rolled out of bed, and went to the little thermostat on the wall and turned down the heat and upped the AC.

I felt it kick on, it feels nice but it will take it hours to circulate throughout the whole apartment.

I looked at the time, 10:13 am. I should go do something while my air is cooling the apartment.

I looked to the corner near the door, where all my shoes are on my shoe rack and my hoodies are on the hooks.

I live alone in my apartment.

But I like it that way.

I don't really get along with people much and I tend to be a loner and have little friends. I'm not really a social butterfly.

But as I look towards my coats and stuff, something under the shoe rack catches my eye.

Yessss. I see my penny board. I haven't rode it in a while and I guess I could go do that today.

My penny boards deck was like a pastel mint blue, it's bolts and trucks were a pastel yellow, and it's wheels were a pastel pink.

I love it with all my heart.

I've had it since I was 17, and I'm 21 now.

Well, the time now is 10:17, if I'm going to the skatepark I better get ready now.

I threw on my black leggings, black Converse, and a white shirt that had a cute quote on it in big black bold letters.

I brushed my teeth, put on deodorant, washed my face, put on makeup, fixed my hair, and did all my morning routine stuff.

You could also say I'm a tomboy.

And a gamer.

I have a 2 bedroom apartment and one room is solely dedicated to gaming and all my consoles.

Well, time to go to the skatepark, I've been here long enough and it still is really HOT.

I got up from where I was procrastinating on the couch, and grabbed my keys and phone.

Then I snagged my penny board up and headed out the door. This was going to be fun.

I walked out of my apartment into the LA heat. A nice cool breeze blew through my hair.

I put my penny board on the ground and starting coasting along on the sidewalk.

I decided to go to Starbucks because it was sort of like the half-way point to the skatepark.

I got a frappuccino and sat down at one of the tables outside.

As I sipped my frappuccino I watched the little flower bushes that they had planted by Starbucks sway in the wind.

They had cute little pink flowers on them. I wonder what kind of flowers they were.


I finished my drink and threw the cup away.

I put my penny board on the ground and started cruising towards the skatepark.

Once I got there I looked around.

There weren't many people here, that's kinda weird.

It's Saturday, there's usually a ton of people here.

There's only like 1 other girl and a few guys here.

There was a crowd on the beach though. I wonder what that's about.

I started skating around for a while and doing tricks when I decided to take a break.

I sat down on a bench that was overlooking the skatepark.

I was looking around when I saw this guy that looked like he was having trouble skating.

He had brown hair, brown eyes, and a bit of a beard going on.

He was cute.

He looked like he had a camera and a Go Pro with him while he was skating.

I wonder why.

Well, whatever.

He fell again and his skateboard shot out from under his feet.

He got up and waddled over to where the skateboard had went and picked it up and started trying again.

I better help him.

I got up and started walking over to him.

He looked up at me approaching.

"Hello!" He said.

"Hi, do you need some help?" I asked gesturing to his skateboard.


Hey guys! What do you think about this chapter? I tried to make it long. I also tried to make a cliffhanger there too. I'm also sorry if there's not really any updates in any book for a while because I'm camping.Well, thanks for reading and I love you all. Bye! 💙

You Forgot Your Penny Board •CaptainSparklez Fanfiction•Where stories live. Discover now