Chapter 10

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***Avery's POV***

Ah. I'm at the park.

I take out my earbuds and put them in my pocket, exchanging them for a mint.

As I pop the mint in my mouth I look around for Jordan.

He's probably on the opposite side of the park where all the picnic tables are.

Hm. Screw taking the whole walking track I'll just walk through the huge field of grass.

I walk through the big field of grass in the middle of the park, looking at the little wild flowers.

I made it to the other side under all the trees, and started looking for Jordan.

I check the time.

•1:27 PM•
•Saturday, June 10•

I know, I check the time way to much.

I'm a tiny bit early.

I walk around the picnic tables, looking for him, until I catch a glimpse of some familiar brown hair.

I walk that way and see him sitting at the table, alone.

"Hi, Jordan" I say walking up to him and sitting on the opposite side of the picnic table.

"Hi, Avery" he said smiling.

Oh. Dayummm. That smile. It could kill.

"So, how have you been?" I ask, trying not to be awkward.

"Um, pretty good, how about you?" He asked.

"I'm good too" I say smiling.

"Good" He says.

"Also here's your penny board" He said lifting it from where it sat beside him and holding it out for me.

"Thank you" I said taking it lightly from his hands and sitting it beside me.

"So, do you have a job?" He asked.

"Ya, I design custom shirts for people and ship the designs off to a place where they make them" I said.

"Wow, that's pretty cool" He said.

"Thanks, and what do you do for a living?" I asked.

"Well, I am a YouTuber and I get money from the adds and merch and stuff so I guess being a YouTuber is my job" He said.

"Hm, that's pretty cool, it's like a job of making people happy" I said thoughtfully.

He smiled at my reply. "Yeah, I guess it is" He said happily.

"So, how do you design your shirts?" He asked.

"Well, I have a work laptop and I go to my design 'studio' on it and make the shirts" I said.

"Cool" He replied.

"Do you game?" He asked all of the sudden.

I smiled. "Yes!" I said like an excited little kid.

"What games do you play?" He asked.

"Well, probably about every game on Xbox 360, most games on PS3 and PS4, a ton of games on my gaming laptop, and a couple on my IPad" I said.

"Wow, that's a lot of consoles or devices and games" He said.

"Ya, in my free time I usually play my games or skate" I say.

"Hm, do you have Minecraft?" He asked.

I look at him smiling "Yep, every version of it possible, it's one of my favorite games" I said.

You Forgot Your Penny Board •CaptainSparklez Fanfiction•Where stories live. Discover now