Chapter 8

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***Jordan's POV***

I guess it actually is her.


I'm gonna send an email back now.

I start to type and I finish with this:

•Sent: Sunday 3:54 PM, June 5, 2015•
•Subject: Not Clarified•

Dear Avery,

I'm so happy that you were able to find me. I'll be glad to return your penny board back to you. So I was thinking we could meet at Willow Grove Park this Saturday at 1:30 PM.

(I just made the park up)

I hope you can make it, otherwise we can move it to another time. So I'll hope to see you there.

Sincerely, Jordan


I read the email over, and hit send.

I get an email back about 10 minutes later.

It says:

•Sent: Sunday 4:06 PM, June 5, 2015•
•Subject: Not Clarified•

Dear Jordan,

I will be able to make it Saturday. I can't wait to see you there! You picked my favorite park too :P.

Sincerely, Avery


I smiled after I read it.

She'll be able to make it. That's awesome.

And lucky that this is her favorite park.

I'll wear my classic green shorts and black shirt. Hmmm, actually I might switch it up and have a really dark gray shirt.

Well, my outfits settled then.

Now I just gotta pass a weeks worth of time till I see her.


Hey guys! What do you think about this chapter? Are you guys excited for a #Javery reunion? I am. I'm sorry this chapter is so short, it's kinda a filler chapter. Welp. I hope you guys like this story so far. But I think that's all for now, stay beautiful and strong. I love you all. Thanks for reading, Bye! 💙

You Forgot Your Penny Board •CaptainSparklez Fanfiction•Where stories live. Discover now