Chapter 3

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***Avery's POV***

Hi, do you need some help?" I asked gesturing to his skateboard.

He smiled, "Ya sure dude brah".

He's weird. But in a really cute way.

"Ok, so is this your first time skating?" I asked.

"No, I used to skate all the time when I was a kid but I haven't really since then" He replied casually.

"Hmm, so that's a good start, do you remember the basics?" I asked.

"Ya, I think so" He said thoughtfully.

"Ok then, do you just wanna try to skate along with me?" I asked because that would be the first easiest thing for him.

"Sure, that would be nice" he said.

"Ok, so let's go to that area over there it seems flat enough" I said starting to walk over there.

"Okey-Dokey brah" he said following behind me.

I put my penny board on the ground and he put his skateboard down too.

I got on my penny board easily and saw he was having trouble standing up straight.

"Here, just straighten your back and put your arms out for balance if you need to" I told him.

"Mmk, thanks for the tip" he said gratefully.

"Your welcome" I said back coolly.

"Ok, now start pushing off and try to ride beside me" I said and we both started pushing off.

"Ahhhghh" He said as he started wobbling and was about to tip over.

"Oh, here grab my hand" I said quickly and snatched his hand into mine.

After I grabbed his hand he was riding smooth again.

"Thanks for the help there-" he broke off thinking.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I never learned your name" he said getting off his skateboard.

"Oh, my name is Avery, and what's yours?" I asked.

"My name is Jordan, and that's a nice name you got there" he replied back.

I smiled.

He stood there another moment thinking.

"So, Avery, would you mind saying hi to YouTube?" he asked hopefully.

"Wait, is that why you have those cameras? I asked.

"Yup" he said.

"So you're going to post all of this footage and stuff you just got now on your channel?" I asked.

"No, I'll edit some parts out but I'd like to keep some in with you in them if that's alright with you?" He said.

"Ya, that'll be cool" I said.

"So, do you want to say hi to YouTube?" He asked again.

"Oh, of course" I said.

"Ok, say hi to YouTube" he said holding up his camera.

"Hello YouTubes my name is Avery" I said in a derpy voice.

Jordan laughed. "She's really cool huh?" He said to the camera.

"She's re-teaching me how to skate" He said, vlogging.

He continued vlogging until he waved me over.

You Forgot Your Penny Board •CaptainSparklez Fanfiction•Where stories live. Discover now