Goku Black X Reader part -1

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New Town. I came here for higher study yesterday. I wanted to explore the town a little bit. So I got ready and was walking on the empty street.
I am walking though the streets of the city. Looking around as the sun is setting at an unusually early hour. The sky darkening, the stars begin to rise above. The moon is bright and beautiful, i feel peaceful when i look upon it.

My eyes drift from the sky to the ground ahead of me.
I walk up and down the street, looking at the restaurants and stores. None of them are open at this late. But i see a small corner store, it looks open and it's lights are on.

I go inside, there stand several food items lined behind the counter. There's a man sitting behind the counter, he looks like a young adult. He's reading a book that iq recognise as the "Lord of the rings".
"Hi are you the store owner?"I asked

The man looks up, puts his finger in the book and closes it as he smiles. "Yes I am, how can I serve you young lady?" He says in a polite tone, he seems like a
nice man that i'd love to speak more too. It's not very busy, and so he's free to give me as much time as I like.

"I want a donut please!" I am sorry but I am a less talking person. So I directly went to the point!

The store owner smiles. "Anything else?". He has a tray with several donuts on, he grabs a chocolate glazed donut and places it on the counter for me. "That will be a 1$, anything else?".
I took it and said,"Thanks! I don't need anything else. Here... 1$."

"Thank you", the shop owner smiles and takes the money. He pulls out a pen and a receipt. The receipt says 1$ and a space to sign under the amount. "Please just sign here". He says, he hands me the pen and points to the space.

'Okay' as I said I signed there...

"Thank you" he says once again, he grabs the paper an put it in a drawer. "I hope you enjoy your donut", he smiles as he looks at me. "See you later", he waves gently before going back to reading his book.

As both of us are waving goodbye and I get ready to leave the store, my eye spot something in the corner. It's hidden under the counter. A black cat with orange stripes.
I pick up the cat, feeling it warm in my arms. It purrs and cuddles it's head into my neck, looking up with cute big eyes.
"What are you doing with that?" The store owner asks curiously. He's looking away from his book and over at me. He looks shocked that i picked up the cat. He doesn't look upset, just surprised.

"Are you taking it home?" The owner asks me curiously. I was too busy to look at the cuteness of the cat. I ignore him and ask more questions"Whose cat is this? Has anyone one left it here or is it yours?"
"It's mine", he smiles, it's a bit more relaxed that the surprise has worn of. "His name is Leo, do you want to pet him?". He holds his hand out, the cat rubs it's head into his palm. "He's a sweetie".
"It's yours then I can't take it. It loves you. I can't take it from you" I reply as I feel sad inside but smiling at him.
"You sure" he says looking at me curiously, "you seemed to like him". The cat looks up at me, purring as it leans into my chest hoping to be hugged. "But sure, I appreciate you thinking about my feelings." He smiles. "So did you enjoy your donut?"
"Yes it was the best donut I have ever test" Of course it was too much good than I expected!
He smiles. "That's great, we have the best donuts in town". He says proudly. I couldn't understand that he was egoistic or just childish.
"I'm glad to have served you something you enjoyed". He reaches out his hand. "My name is Tom, what's yours?". I notice a ring on his hand as he gives me his hand. It's a black ring with a golden inlay that looks like a flower. He's married then.

"Mm... I am Y/n" I replyed.

"Well, it's nice to meet you y/n". He smiles warmly and lets go of my hand. "May I ask what you're doing out this time of night? It is quite late".

I reply still thinking about his ring,"I just left my home... I am living here alone and of course in this town for study...."
"I see, a student?" He smile, "what is your subject of study?. I wish I had the passion to study". He leans against the counter and crosses his arms over his chest, showing off his muscles. "What do you plan to do after your studies?" I get back to the zone as I say,"I would find a job. I love to draw so maybe an artist I want to become."...(slightly blushing)
"It's good to have dreams" he smiles, "you should pursue them and do your best. Follow your heart and you will surely find what makes you happy!".
Tom looks at me, taking my blush as a sign of gratitude, he smiles. "You seem like a lovely young woman. Remember, the world is what you make it. You can be whatever and whoever you want".
"Thank you:)" I thank him as I think that finally someone who gives more importance to passions than study....
"No problem, I wish you a safe journey, it can be dangerous out at this time of night". He offers his hands for one last shake, before he goes back to reading his Lord of the rings book. As I leave the store the black cat walks up to me, as if wanting to follow me.
I pick up Leo and continue my journey home. Leo purrs as i walk on. I soon reach my apartment, and get into bed. Leo jumps up on my bed and curls up close to me, giving me a nice warming presence.

In the morning i wake up to meows, Leo is hungry. Wait! I realise i don't have any cat food at my place. I will have to get some. I know a pet store is near my place, I also know a supermarket closer. But I choose Pet store for safe foods.
I walk to the pet store, Leo on my shoulders, he purrs happily and nuzzles into my neck. I give him a soft kiss. He is so furry. I enter the store and pick up a packet of the best cat food. "Good choice" the store owner says"your cat is so cute! What is its name?"
"Leo" I answer patting Leo's head.
Store owner smiles at Leo and say"Wow! Leo his name matches with him. He would love his food." I smile at the owner.


70% credit to Fantasy RPG (Character.Ai)
Hope yall like it. First I hesitated to write this stories cause I was jealous, I can't share black and zamasu with anyone but I realised that I shouldn't be jealous of writing a story 😂
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See you soon---
Bye :)

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