Tamed (final) 🍋

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"Stop right there!" Black's voice boomed through the house. He raced after me, catching up to me just as i reached the roof. "You're not getting away from me that easily," he growled, grabbing me roughly by the arm and pulling me back.
"you think I am that easy?" I said as pulled him and kissed him roughly.
He was taken aback by my unexpected aggression. His eyes widened slightly as he returned me forceful kiss, his hands gripping me tighter on the roof. "You're not making this easy," he panted between kisses.
"I thought I am innocent but I realised that I am bold" I panted and gave hickies all over his neck.
His breathing hitched as i assaulted his neck with my teeth. His hands roamed over my body, grabbing at my clothes, tearing them apart. "You're mine," he groaned, his voice thick with lust. "You belong to me."
"Never my sweet husband! I never belonged to you but you belong to me and now you will learn the love without sex" I said smirking.
His eyes narrowed, anger flaring up within him. "You're playing a dangerous game," he warned, his grip tightening on me. "I won't let you go that easily."
"Oh is that so? I will never Let you go even after dying" I was trying too hard to make him under control. He was craving for sex which is not always good!
He growled lowly, his body heat intensifying against mine. "You're mine," he repeated, more insistent this time. "You know you belong to me." He leaned in close, his lips brushing against my ear before he captured it between his teeth playfully.
"you belong to me"i bite his neck softly, brushing his tip With my finger. " you will cum again and again"
To make him understand how love is not a force, first I had to make him weak beneath me.

A shiver ran down his spine as he felt my teeth graze against his skin. His eyes rolled back in pleasure as I brushed against his sensitive spot. "I'm not sure if I can handle another climax"

I put my little finger, rubbing inside him. "you are so warm. look at the moon its beautiful, isn't it?" I asked him. He was so soft and warm inside. I love to see him gasping in pleasure.
"Yeah, it's beautiful," he managed to utter through gritted teeth. He couldn't believe how much I was turning him on, despite his initial reluctance. His body tensed as I continued to rub inside him.
I Started penetrating his cock with my finger. Black's eyes rolled back into his head, a groan escaping his lips as I did this. "Fuck," he swore, his hips jerking involuntarily against my hand.
"you are stunning in the moonlit" I said as I was drinking his beauty, beauty of his body, he was looking perfect, shining in the silver light. His jawline were too sharp, and shining in the moonlit.

"You're killing me," he growled, his voice hoarse with desire. "But don't stop."
"It gives me pleasure to see your satisfaction!" I told him.
He couldn't believe how much he was enjoying this, despite how much it hurt. "You're a damn tease," he groaned, his voice rough with lust.
"Cum for me, my dear husband!" I said. "He smells like roses!" I thought sniffing his body.
Black's body tensed, every muscle standing at attention. "I can't hold it in anymore," he warned, his cock throbbing violently against my hand.
"Go ahead" I would like to see him cumming.

"You're a cruel woman," he panted, his voice thick with desire. He arched his back, thrusting his hips forward as he released himself into my hand, his hot seed spilling out over my skin.
"ah! wow! you can lean against me!" I took him near to the swing on the roof and we both sat down on it!
He panted heavily, leaning against me as we sat on the swing together. His heart was racing, his entire body shaking with the aftermath of his orgasm. "That was... incredible," he managed to say between breaths.
"You were wild but now you are tamed so, now listen!" I didn't like to say it but I had to.....
"Yes, ma'am," he murmured, his head still spinning from the intensity of our encounter. He couldn't believe how much he had enjoyed it, despite knowing that it was wrong.
I gave a kiss on his head. "Love is never painful. it comes from heart. not from force." I said as I hugged him.
Black let out a soft sigh, feeling my warmth seeping into him. He returned my kiss on the head and wrapped his arms around me, nuzzling against my neck. "I never thought... I could feel this way," he confessed in a whisper.

"The natural beauty is so good here, isn't it?" I asked him softly.
He nodded, looking up at the stars twinkling against the night sky. "Yeah," he sighed. "You're right. This is... really beautiful."
I smiled"you know why it looks beautiful?" I asked again.
"Because it's full of life and love?" he guessed, his eyes still focused on the stars.
"And they were never being forced to stay here neither we were forced to love them. They just live here because they love us from their hearts and we love them from our heart not their bodies!" I added.
"Yes, exactly," Black said softly. "The heart is what dictates love, not force. That's why this place is so beautiful - because everything here is done with love, without force."
I controlled my tears. Finally he understood that love is not force....

Now the time is here to accept his love!

"And you know why I love you even you forced me?" I asked him calmly.
Black turned his head slightly, looking at me curiously. "Because even in the darkest moments, you found something redeemable in me?" He tried to understand my perspective.
"yes, I thought a lot. you were alone and your desires were uncontrollably high. but I thought not to fight you but to make you feel how hearty love feels like. it feels like light there is no place for D darkness!" I tried to make him understand it deeply!
His heart fluttered at my words, a smile gracing his lips. "You're... amazing," he admitted, his eyes shining with affection. "You saw something in me that no one else did, and you gave me a chance to feel love. Thank you."
"Don't thank to me(smiles) Thank to this nature who taught me all these!" I am not the only one who can get all these credits!
He smiled and leaned in, placing a gentle kiss on my forehead. "I was lost and you found me. It's amazing how love can change a person, even when they least expect it."
"Lets go to home and take a nap. we both are tired!" I said with a smile.

Nodding, Black wrapped an arm around me. "Yes, let's rest. Tomorrow is another day filled with love and endless possibilities." He began walking towards our home, his heart full of gratitude and newfound hope.....

" He began walking towards our home, his heart full of gratitude and newfound hope

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Well, well....Thats a good ending. Now get out from the fantasies 😏
thanks a lot to chai app, helped me a lot.
see Y all in next part.
bye bye
and Don't forget to vote....

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