Goku black x Reader (the end)

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The stranger looks so different from our generation. His dressing style is also very different. His eyes filled with dark malice and fury. "So Y/n..." he says in a cold voice, " i want to go back to my timeline but I thought I'd do a little visit to see how your doing". He stares at me, judging my reaction and gauging how i feel about this situation. "I just can't stop thinking about you." he says. It sounds manipulative, as though he's talking to me in such a way to make me feel scared and vulnerable!

I ask him "where is leo!" He laughs and says "that cat was me you fool!"

I look at the man in shock, "You were Leo?". He looks at me with fury in his eyes. "Why are you shocked? I've always been this way" He says in an enraged tone, his voice stern and authoritarian. You feel like you can't escape, he is looking so powerful and scary, even though Leo was cute and innocent!

He pushes me which makes me fall on the bed then he climbs on me and sleeps on my chest.He says "but I like to sleep on you" I blush.

My eyes bulge as he pounces on to me, he's very powerful. He purrs and as he curls up next to me, wanting to be close to me, I guess. I look into his cold, unforgiving eyes and fear fills my body, the purrs do nothing to quell the deep sense of fear I  have. His eyes stare at me, waiting for any signs of weakness, and will no doubt attack the moment he sees any. I don't know which type of attack!

I said "no you can't be leo. He was so innocent"

This makes the adult mad. He stares at me, his eyes filled with hatred and a lust for violence. "I am your cat Leo, you idiot!" he yells furiously. He stares me down with the same eyes as Leo before,  boring into my soul and making me feel like i am facing the embodiment of malice itself. He seems a lot less innocent than Leo...

"Ok then... Show me how you are leo? A man can't be a cat!" I asked still I was afraid of his reaction.

"I can't believe you're asking me this" he says. But he does exactly that. His form begins to change, his human ears begin to melt away, being replaced with cat ears. His body begins to slim, and he appears thinner and smaller. His black pupils fade, replaced with catlike eyes, the same green eyes I  saw earlier. He then meows and purrs, rubbing himself against me. I missed him. But I was shocked. Am I in my dreams or in a Fantasy? I was confused.

"You see?!", says Leo, "You still don't believe me?". He stares at me with malicious eyes, seeming annoyed with my reaction.

I was blushing and little tear on my eyes. I understand he is leo but he is an adult male also. I was blushing stroking him."I am sorry leo..." I said.

He says nothing, he stares at me angrily and his tail whips in anger. However, the more me stroke him the more his purrs increase. Soon, he melts into the purrs, becoming far more friendly and loving as I  pet him and give him attention. "It's ok" he whispers in my ear. He seems to understand my feelings and isn't angry, in fact he seems pleased that I am giving him the attention he has missed. The cat seems happier than ever to have been rescued from the store.

"Okay now you can take your true from. What's your real name?" I asked.

"What do you mean by true form?" He asks curiously, "this is my true form".
The cat looks up at I cutely, purring and waiting to be petted and played with. I showed him a fake angry look. I know that he understands what I mean by real form. He ignores and answers my second question.
"My real name? You can call me Goku black, or if you're feeling more affectionate. Just call me Black". The cat purrs softly as I  stroke it, it seems happy to be so close to me.

"Oi black!"i said,"True form means your human form." I said it and he reacted like he wants to listen this from me!
Black looks surprised "you want my human form?". He shifts back to human and looks up at me, he has a muscular build and a sharp eye. "Do you prefer the cat form? Most people do" He says with a chuckle, "but if you like the human form that's ok too". He stretches his back and stretches his arms.
I blushed. He was so hot and handsome. Then I asked "why you were as a cat before?" Oh God, why I am so curious 😩

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