Chapter 19

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Jasmine stumbles back as she crashes into someone and looks at the person in front of her with wide wild eyes.

"That's a really high pitched sound you are taking out which will probably damage your vocal cords if you don't stop it" the person in front of her speaks while staring at Jasmine.

"Huh?" Jasmine stops screaming feeling a bit embarrassed, as the girl in front of her was not someone she thought

"Hi there, mind if I ask what you are doing screaming like that in the middle of the road at this time of night when probably half the city is tucked safely inside their beds having a dream marathon?" the girl asks awkwardly still staring at Jasmine

"I...I..." Jasmine stammers not knowing what to tell her

"Oh...wait was someone stalking you or probably trying to rob you because let me tell you that it's a very offensive thing to do" the girl continues

"What...?" Jasmine blinks at the girl as she is still lying on the road

"Oh...sorry, here" the girl holds her hand out for Jasmine to take and help her up

"Thank you" Jasmine states before she turns around to see if someone was there

"You lost or something because if you did it will make two of us" the girl giggles as she speaks making Jasmine jump a bit as she pats Jasmine's arm

"Sorry, anyway I better log out of here before I turn my sleep mode on else my systems may automatically crash...

Technically, I am good at reinstalling my systems but you know what I mean, it's just a saying because I have had pull off many nights not sleeping and I still don't feel like a zombie half the times, just irritated due to lack of sleep and my mental shut down and then...

I should probably stop talking or babbling this instant seeing as your facial expression tells me that you do not know half the things I am speaking...

Not that I can read faces or palms or fates or....oh....I should...

End of discussion, stop just stop" the girl whispers the last bit to herself as Jasmine looks at her weirdly before cackling a chuckle which turns into a full blown laughter

She has never met a person who can talk so much and still look adorable.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to laugh at you" Jasmine apologizes, as she feels slightly guilty at that

"Nah, I understand I tend to get carried away when I try to explain myself or talk basically which happens most of the times with me and I'm doing it once again, forgive my mouth, it kind of runs on its own...

Oh and you don't have to apologize" the girl shuts her mouth after that literally

"I'm Jasmine Summers" Jasmine introduces herself not knowing what to say as they both keep staring at each other

"Oh, hi...nice stumbling with you Jasmine, can I burrow your flying carpet?" the girl chuckles at something

"What?" Jasmine looks at the girl confused not knowing what was funny

"I mean your name's Jasmine so you know Aladdin, the carpet and Genie...forget it, you have a beautiful name, if your name was in eBay auction, I'd totally buy it now. I wish I had a name after a flower that would be really awesome" the girl smiles

"Thank you, so what is it?" Jasmine asks looking at the girl expectantly

"What?" The girl asks confused

"Your name, what is it?" Jasmine clarifies

"Oh my name, it's not after a flower nothing so charming...oh you still waiting on my name...

Restrained Affection [Affection Series 3] {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now