Chapter 7: A Great Deal of Skillsets

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"So tell me about your vocation." Kassia started as she tossed a glossy red apple in the air in front of her.

They had agreed to only break for rest at the fluctuating likeliness that they wandered across water. On the evening of the fifth day when nearly all of their hope of relishing in either of these things was drained, they'd stumbled upon a small yet deep pond in a convenient clearing in the woods which they had yet again entered. They'd conjured up a fire and fed and brushed their horses, securing them to a nearby tree.

Now, they sat across from each other with the fire blazing between them. Kassia entertained herself with her apple tossing while Ziam adjusted his bow string.

"I am an emissary." He answered her plainly.

She scoffed as her apple returned to her hand. "I've already told you I know of your true occupation."

"I do not believe you expressed what you think I truly do."

Kassia began telling him in great detail everything that Basia knew and passed to Kassia about Shadow Seekers. When she had finished he did not look up, did not so much as cease working on his bow at her accusation.

He only responded with, "You are not supposed to contain such knowledge of my vocation." The flames from the fire threw shadows across his face as he concentrated on the weapon in his hands. "How is it that you obtained this knowledge?"

"My friend, Basia, procured it. She is quite brilliant." She bragged.

Ziam removed an arrow from his quiver next to him and notched it in the groove of his bow. "Well, your friend must be rather charming if she was able to procure such surreptitious information from the librarians in the castle. They have sworn an oath on their lives to not reveal anything about us." He commented, aiming the loaded bow at the trees overhead.

"She is quite charming, but she informed me that, with some mild convincing, she was able to encourage them to hand the books over." Kassia explained as she heightened her apple tosses.

Ziam directed the bow just above Kassia's head as he said, "First lesson about Shadow Seekers," then released his grip on the bowstring sending the arrow thudding into the tree Kassia leaned against, the apple not returning to her hand. "We are an excellent shot."

She sat up and ripped the long arrow from the tree, sliding her apple free of the shaft. "That," she growled, "is a talent I have already witnessed."

"I shall like to make a deal with you." He declared, standing from his seated position and leaning his bow against a nearby tree. "You teach me something and, in return, I will tell you of one of my notorious Shadow Seeker talents."

"Alright, fine." Kassia agreed as she stood from her seat as well. She spotted a stick about the length of the wooden practice swords she trained with and scooped it up in her hand. He looked at her curiously and she tossed it to him and retrieved her sword. "I shall start us off."

They moved to the open part of their small camping area and began circling each other, Kassia's long gleaming sword held in a front guard awaiting attack and Ziam mirroring her with his makeshift weapon. With impressive speed that matched her previous confrontation, she sliced at his exposed leg which he quickly moved to protect. Sword thudded against wood and she pulled her blade free of his stick.

"Speed is your greatest ally."

His hazel eyes traveled up to hers as she spoke.

"That and the element of surprise." In one swift movement, she swiped her blade up from where it had been pointing at the ground and nicked his sword handling wrist. His stick dropped to the ground as he let slip a grunt of shock at the skinny slash that immediately began to exude drops of red. He did not hesitate, however, to draw a blade from the depths of his belt with impeccable speed of his own and flick it at her sword hand to result in the same effect.

Of Blood And Royal BonesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora