Chapter 22: United and Reunited

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Nearly an hour after the sun had set and the group was drenched in darkness— save for the miraculous golden light that seemed to emanate from a handful of the trees like gigantic flameless candles— Ziam announced that they would soon enter the neighboring land. Kassia wondered how different it might look from hers. She also wondered which life stone it represented as Ziam neglected to mention this. Would they even notice that they'd stepped across the border, or would it be like traveling to the different fiefs in Jekelvek; a dull ride to the next similarly dull territory?

The answer would come only shortly after she had pondered the question when the metallic leafed trees gave way to a forest of aged oaks donned in green. The night sky above seemed as if a lid to the atmosphere had been removed to reveal an extravagant vastness of sparkling clear beauty. The dispersed glowing trees that lit their way in The Golden Land changed. Now what lit their way were tiny spheres that hung from varying thick oaks that shed the glow of hyacinth and violet in their path.

Kassia lingered beneath one of these wonders as the rest of the group, while surely giving into some measure of awe, continued on casually. She reached her hand up as if to touch the glowing orb, though there was no way of reaching it as it was higher up in the tree. To her surprise, strong hands wrapped around her waist and lifted her up to the small light. She moved her fingers to it curiously and was shocked at the discovery of its misty quality rather than a solid form. Then she was lowered to the ground and, upon turning, she discovered Jurgen smiling at her.

"They're beautiful." She awed.

"They are." He agreed, but his eyes were glued to her and it was as if he was reading a book that was written across her countenance.

She bit her lip as her nerves clustered in her stomach. She'd been thinking about what Ziam had said about her and Jurgen and wondered how it was he'd come to know of her feelings. She had neglected to realize them for far too long. It was because of Ziam's words that she tumbled into her confession. "Jurgen, I wish to admit something to you with full knowledge of your rejection." The words fell from her mouth before she could even think of stopping herself. "I know we've been friends— good friends— for a very long time now, but I admit that recently I have begun to see you differently, and I sorely wish that it is not so, but it is. I felt a change when we reached Nordenbred but then you went off with Heidra and I was meant to be happy for you, but I—"

He cradled her face in his warm, calloused hands and kissed her. And it was all that she'd been craving since the very first meeting of their lips— his, butter soft, against hers as he expressed the true meaning of his actions. He pulled away from her and their eyes met. "I never went to meet Heidra that night in Nordenbred."

Something broke inside her chest at his words and she realized that it was relief.

"I thought I should have, but then I realized that it would be a waste of feigned sentiment when the woman I truly wanted was not the one I was meant to go meet. Instead, I went down to find that savage who tried to dishonor you and hoped that you'd retire early rather than spend the night with Ziam.

"Kass, I've slowly fallen in love with you over the near four years of our friendship. I thought that maybe this feeling would vanish but it only seeped further into me and continues to feast on my sentience. It's driven me mad to cage these emotions, but expressing myself would have been far too selfish because it was your training that was most important at the time—that remains most important."

Kassia could not help the warm smile that spread on her face. She'd been so torn, afraid of losing a friend but yearning for more with him, and now it seemed that he'd been torn as well. "I admit I've felt the same. I wasn't aware that my feelings for you were rooted so deeply. You've remained the only male I've ever held so close and I suppose I became confused between friendliness and romance. Now I realize how foolish I've been to not see what was all-too plain. You've been my most favored interest." She professed.

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