Chapter 12: Bloody doors and Jurgen's Charm

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Kassia and Jurgen ambled through the seemingly monochromatic town with little purpose, their noses and cheeks donned with shades of pink from the frigid air. Kassia wore her thick fur-lined coat as she was so used to wearing and Jurgen wore his favored white shirt that fit him so well. She had inquired about his well being in such icy temperatures with so few layers to which he had shrugged and assured her that it made little difference to him.

They made their way down the cobblestone street that wove through the center of the town. Jurgen's hands were shoved into the pockets of his trousers and Kassia walked on with her arms wrapped around her body in an attempt to ward off the bitter weather.

"So what is it about this character that vexes you so deeply?" Jurgen asked as they walked past store fronts.

Kassia's mouth twitched pensively as she considered his question. "It is a strange tale, is it not?"

She'd just finished telling him about her worries of the mysterious creature and about her mentioning it to Ziam who suggested the possibility of someone duplicating Duevell's notorious crimes.

He nodded, his countenance conceding her point. "That it is, though how can it possibly have any correlation to the crime you've come to investigate?"

"I am not yet sure of its value in this case. I've simply never heard of such a tale. I understand the creature to be of northern origins yet how we've not caught word of it in our fief in Jekelvek which is the northernmost fief in the kingdom..." Her voice trailed off in thought.

"I suppose Ziam could be right in his speculation of a duplicating criminal. We've had plenty in Jekelvek."

Kassia stopped in front of a store with flowing gowns of blue, green and red displayed in its windows– the only splash of color she had yet to bear witness to in Nordenbred. She walked to the door and pulled it open, the hinges creaking lightly as she stepped over the threshold. Moving into the small store packed with women's attire– mainly satin dresses– Kassia spotted Heidra.

"Debating on the purchase of your first gown?" Jurgen teased lightly from behind her.

"We shall pretend to be shopping." She instructed as she quickly turned to admire a dress at the same moment Heidra's head swiveled in her direction. She ran her hand over the smooth material in feigned delight. Truthfully, nothing seemed more impractical to her.

"So we are not shopping?" He asked in confusion.

"I wish to speak to that girl." She clarified, though she neglected to point Heidra out specifically.


Kassia glimpsed Jurgen smirking from her peripheral and looked up at him. He winked at Heidra and the girl blushed and lowered her face to hide her smile in response.

Kassia furrowed her brow at him. "What is it you're doing?" She scolded.

"Getting her to approach us." He said simply.

"Well cease attempting." She hissed.

His eyes moved down to hers as he smiled proudly. "You should thank me because it has worked."

"Good morning to you, Kass." Heidra greeted from behind.

Kassia turned a wide smile to her as she returned the greeting. "How are you doing on this brisk morning, Heidra?"

"Not as well as it seems you are. And who is it that accompanies you today?" She asked, turning delighted eyes on Jurgen.

Kassia bit her lip as she pondered a lie.

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