Chapter 8: Lavender Breath

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They continued on for several miles encountering no troubles. They had discussed the plan if they were to encounter anyone from that point on. Ziam had told Kassia with a firm tone that did not invite contradiction that he was to handle any confrontation they might be faced with and she was to stay a safe distance away. Kassia, of course, found this rather offensive but understood his worries about the ever concerning state of her head.

"Tell me more about the Ice Land." Kassia demanded as they rode along.

"It is called The Land of Ice and as I said, it is fake."

"Of course, though I am growing rather bored and I think you are aware of my strategies of entertaining myself. I can surely revert to a more obnoxious one should you see this one unfit." She suggested slyly, her eyebrows sliding up on her forehead.

"Alright, I will tell you." He caved. "As I have already said, it is said to be a mystical land that no one may enter with the hope of exiting alive. There is supposedly deadly creatures and powerful immortals who will torture and kill anyone who steps foot in the land. That is really all there is to it. Many tellers will create horrors around this land in order to keep the legend strong. It is all a load of horse shit."

"You do not seem very fond of such stories."

He sniffed. "It is not a legend worthy of fondness, though I do wish to speak of something else."

Sensing the edge in his tone, she obliged. "Were you able to rest adequately last night?" She asked shyly.

He furrowed his brow before answering, "I thought I might, though unfortunately something kept me awake."

"What was it?"

He glanced at her, his face undetectable. "I do not think it is the mark of a good gentleman to tell you."

Heat rose to her cheeks as she deciphered the meaning of his words. That weight rested on her lungs once more and she held her breath to keep that thing, that force, inside her tamed. "I see." She answered simply.

He let loose a soft chuckle at her reaction. "Suddenly the all-too-curious Kassandria is no longer full of questions."

"Though you think I attain only child-like naivety on such subjects," She teased in a mocking tone, "I do have a generous amount of knowledge on certain adult matters."

He nodded unconvincingly. "I see."

He held up a hand for them to halt as his eyes turned to slits and his features displayed concentration. Kassia fixed her own eyes in the direction of his stare, and at the second that she noticed what he had seen, she saw from her peripheral vision Ziam draw his bow, an arrow knocked, and fire off two clean shots. The false soldier in the distance fell to the ground wailing in pain at the two long arrows that were buried in the slits between breast plate and pauldron.

They made their way unhurried to the imposter who continued to scream in agony. They stopped their horses next to where he lay on the ground and Ziam reached down and ripped his arrows free, triggering even louder screams from the man.

"Shall we?" He invited with casual grace as he remounted his horse.

Kassia could hardly tear her eyes from the dying man as she nodded once and they began riding on past him. She stayed silent as they rode, wondering what might come of the man, whether he had a family that might mourn him.

Ziam huffed beside her and she was drawn out of her thoughts.

"I shall not deign to apologize for such a necessary crime." He remarked.

Of Blood And Royal BonesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora