Chapter 19: A Chance To Listen

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It was sound that she recovered before anything else. The sounds around her collided nonsensically and jumbled about one another in her mind. But eventually she deciphered them. They were voices and familiar ones at that. She heard Adem's angry growl and Ziam's calm reason. But it was Jurgen's reassuring voice that pulled her back into her body– not that she'd ever left it, though it had certainly felt that way.

With great effort, she managed to flicker her eyelids and as they fluttered, she caught glimpses of bright light seeping through swaying orange. She continued to flicker them open and close to slowly adjust them to the change in light. As she did so, she saw the underside of a handsome jaw which hovered over her, the face of its owner looking at something past her. The voices continued and she noted the distance between them and her. Though she could not yet decipher the meaning of the words they spoke, she knew they were arguing based on their tones.

The jaw above her moved as its owner spoke. "You'll do no such thing, Adem." Jurgen commanded from above her. He seemed to be kneeling over her, perhaps awaiting her return to consciousness.

"If she isn't awake soon, I think I just might." Adem shot back from afar.

Kassia sat up slowly and her head began to spin at the movement. Jurgen, finally noticing her conscious state, quickly made to situate her by placing his hands on her arms and moving behind her so that she could lean against him. She first looked at her leg which had earlier been torn open by the Ancient weapon. It was wrapped in a cloth stained with red and when she tried to pull it free, Jurgen stopped her.

"I think it best to leave your wrappings on for a bit. Edith won't like it if you mess with them." He advised.

She moved her gaze forward and discovered Adem and Ziam standing before her– Adem's face expressing worry and Ziam's countenance unreadable.

"Right, so now that she's about again, can I deal with him?" Adem asked Jurgen.

Jurgen sighed and turned his green eyes on her. "I've told him not to act until you've given your word."

"Word for what?" She mumbled confusedly.

This time it was Ziam who stepped in. "The brutes wish to kill me."

"I never said that." Jurgen argued calmly.

"You never challenged it."

Jurgen's countenance conceded his point.

"Kassandria," Adem interjected, "I've counted the minutes until I was freed and capable of slitting the spy's throat. Do not deny me this honor now."

She furrowed her brow as her gaze slid to the prickly autumn grass. "No one will be murdering anyone." She stated finally.

Adem turned away angrily as he huffed. Turning back to face them and pointing a finger at Jurgen, he growled, "I told you what she'd say. She'd rather leave this scum to steal our air than take a life, even one as low as his."

Jurgen stood abruptly in a mark of his threat. "I do not care what you think is the best course of action. Your Queen has spoken. He remains living." He asserted.

Kassia made to stand and Jurgen forced her back to the ground gently.

"Please, Kass. Edith's instructed me to prevent you from being restless. Your leg and side have healed, but your neck is something different. You need to sit."

She brought a hand up to graze her fingertips against the tender flesh of her neck. Her touch sent shocks of pain down her spine and she felt the warmth of the blood that still ran from the wound. She turned fearful eyes to Jurgen who returned her fear with concern. "Where is Edith?"

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