Chapter 10: Tales of Duevell

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Kassia awoke the next morning to a kink in her neck and knots along her spine. As her eyelids fluttered open, she discovered that she was lying on a cushy couch before the fireplace in the tavern. She rubbed her eyes as she racked her brain for memories of the previous night. She had never gone to bed. She had stayed behind while Jurgen retired and further discussed the details of The Tales of Duevell with her three male acquaintances. Something about the creature intrigued her while also providing a generous amount of fear.

    She eased herself to a sitting position and rolled her head this way and that to sooth the tightness in her neck. She could feel the exhaustion sitting at the base of her eyes and felt the urge to return to sleep.

    "Good morning, warrior." Jurgen's voice called to her from a table across the tavern. A plate decorated with eggs and sausage logs sat in front of him along with a steaming bowl of what she assumed was porridge.

    Jurgen wore a long sleeve white shirt with a v-shaped cut out at the collar that could be tightened with a lace that wound around the edges of the opening. He had pushed the sleeves up to reveal tanned cords of forearm muscle and his shoulders and pectorals tested the stretch of the shirt's cloth. For his bottoms, he wore a pair of plain black trousers that seemed to be made of a thick scratchy material.

    Kassia stood and stretched her arms above her head as she swept to him unhurriedly. "It is nice to see your face when the sun has already risen." She greeted him, her voice filled with drowsiness. "I am far too used to our pre-dawn workouts."

    He nodded and a light smile teased at his lips as he brought a bite of porridge to his mouth. "It seems that you bore witness to the pre-dawn hours all the same." He gave a pointed glance at the couch in which she had just risen from. "I last checked on you just two hours before the sun rose and you had been taken by sleep while still at the bar. I moved you to a more suitable sleeping space." He explained.

    "Ah." She said as she slid into the seat across from him.

    "You should eat." He instructed as he moved on to his untouched eggs.

    She pulled the unfinished bowl of porridge towards her and helped herself. "And where is Ziam? I take it you two did not fare well in such close quarters. Does he remain living?"

    He tossed her a warning glance before answering, "For the time being."

    At her pointed stare, he elaborated. "He is retrieving the horses. We thought it best to leave you to sleep for a moment longer."

    "My gratitudes to the both of you, though I am rested enough now so we may continue on."

    Jurgen scoffed. "I wish you loads of luck in convincing Ziam that I should travel the remaining length of the trip with you."

    Kassia's brow furrowed at this. "Certainly he does not believe that you should turn back?"

    Jurgen answered with a slight tilt of his head and an expression that conceded her question.

    "That is ridiculous. If the Baron thought it wise that you come, then you shall remain with us all the way."

    "I must remind you that the Baron did not order me to come."

    Kassia smiled wickedly and winked. "Ziam does not know that."

    Jurgen mirrored her smile.

*    *    *

Kassia and her companions persisted further north where the weather eventually became so brutal that more frequent stops were not only preferred, but they were also highly necessary. The combined efforts of the near deathly conditions and the obstreperous bickering of her two companions began to grate on her. She ground her teeth together in irritation as the two of them engaged once more in pointless argument.

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