"Your New Lives Can Begin"

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Your eyes snap open. Your vision is blurry and your ears are ringing. You have a headache, and there's gunshots all around. You look around and see that your in a helicopter. To your right is Newt, he looks at you but he's quickly yanked out of the helicopter. Before you can react, someone grabs your arm and pulls you out the helicopter. You hit the sand and you quickly recover and get to your feet.

You take in your surroundings, it's dark outside and you can see a big building ahead of you. Some men in strange uniform start dragging you towards the facility. You slowly adjust to your surroundings. Infront of you is Newt, Thomas and Minho. Thomas looks back at you, but he quickly looks away and starts running. You look behind you and see men shooting into the darkness.
The gaurds who are holding your arms shout something at you, but your ears are still ringing and you can't quite hear them.
He starts to run, dragging you with him.

After what feels like a decade, the doors slams shut and you're inside the facility. The gaurds then escort you to a room. The other Gladers are already inside as the door closes.

Thomas rushes up to you and places his hands on your shoulders, "Y/N, are you okay? Are you hurt?" He asks in a rush.
"I'm fine..." You say, finally adjusted to what's happening.
Minho speaks up, "Did anyone see what those guys were shooting at?"
Newt shakes his head, "It was too dark, and I didn't have time to look around."
Minho puts his head in his palm, "Man, my head hurts..."

You nod and look around. The room has a few beds and boxes scattered around, "Where exactly are we?" You ask.
Teresa looks around and sighs, "I'm not sure..."
You sit down on a box and kick your feet, "What happened out there?"
Newt shrugs, "I don't know...we were dragged out of the helicopter, that's when the gunshots started. There was sand...?" He says slowly.
Thomas narrows his eyes, "Those guys were shooting people...thats what I saw."
You raise an eyebrow and look at Thomas in disbelief, "People?"

Before anyone can answer you, the door opens. A man enters. He has black hair with grey streaks and he's wearing a turtleneck sweater with a leather jacket. He looks stern but also quite...handsome?
He looks around at everyone and his eyes hover over you for a moment longer then the others.
"I'm A.D Janson. I'm glad you're all okay." He says in a soft voice.
Thomas scoffs, "I'm surprised I didn't get shot." He says coldly.
Janson narrows his eyes, "My men were aiming at the cranks, not you."
Minho stands up, "Cranks?" He asks with a skeptical tone.
Janson sighs and shakes his head, "I'll explain everything to you on the way."

Minho nods, that answer is good enough for him, but not for Thomas.
"Sorry, but, why should we trust you?" You roll your eyes at Thomas, "Thomas, if they were going to shoot us, they would have." You say with a slight tone of sarcasm.
Janson nods at you, but Thomas raises an eyebrow.
"Y/N, you don't know who these guys are..." Thomas says to you.
Janson just smiles, "Come, let's get you cleaned up."

Everyone follows Janson as he explains everything, "This is a safe haven for people like you, a home of sorts. We're working against W.I.C.K.E.D and pulling kids like you out of the mazes."
This seems to calm Thomas a little.
You walk a little behind the gladers, looking around. It's a large storage room by the looks of it with men doing labour work.

Janson looks behind him and sees you looking around in awe. He smirks a little and continues walking.
The group come to a stop as Janson turns to face everyone. You look to your right and watch the men work.
As you're looking at them, you feel a finger on your chin turning your face towards the group. You look forward and you're face to face with Janson. He smiles a little and let's go of your chin. He walks back to the front of the group and you feel a little flustered as your ears turn pink. You quickly hide it with your hair, but Newt notices and smirks at you.


You and the other Gladers clean up and head to your bunks. You're all sharing a small room, but it has enough beds to accommodate you all.
Minho jumps up to the top bunk and lays down while Newt takes the bottom bunk beneath Minho.
There's another boy already inside, he looks at everyone.
"I'm guessing you're new..." He says, smiling. The boy introduces himself as Ben.
"I'm Thomas."

Everyone else introduces themselves.
"Hey, I'm Y/N." You say nervously. You're not good around new people.
Winston smiles as Minho jumps down from the top bunk, "So, are you from a maze?" Minho asks.
The boy nods, "Yeah, you guys weren't the only maze. WICKED had loads...all of us kids...we're just lab rats to them."
Teresa frowns, "WICKED are dead now, atleast Dr Ava Paige is dead...we saw her body." She says grimly.
Ben seems a little relieved as he says, "Mr Janson is in charge of this whole operation. He's working to bring kids like us to safe havens, away from WICKED."

Minho smirks, "He looks like a rat though..."
You look at Minho and raise an eyebrow, "Don't be horrible, he does not look like a rat. He's trying to help us."
Thomas chuckles as he looks at you, "Is he?" He asks with a smirk.
"Y/N fancies Janson!" Newt cuts in, with a smirk. He winks at you and you feel yourself going pink from embarrassment.

"I do not!" you say, folding your arms.
Teresa shakes her head at the boys, "Hey, leave off." she says, smiling at you. Thomas rolls his eyes and smirks.
Minho laughs as he says, "We should call him ratman."
Newt and Thomas start laughing, and even Teresa smiles a little. Winston raises an eyebrow but doesn't say anything as you sigh and sit down on your bed.
"Speak of the devil." Newt smirks as the door opens.
Janson enters and smiles at everyone warmly. He looks at you and you feel yourself blushing a little.
"I think it's time you meet the others." Janson says, nodding at everyone.
"How many others are there?" Teresa asks. Janson just smirks and motions for everyone to follow him.
You drag behind the group, as you walk through the corridor. You reach a canteen where atleast 50 other kids all sit and talk.
Thomas, Newt and Minho and the other Gladers all sit down as you and Teresa look at each other and shrug. You both sit down with the boys while Ben sits down opposite you.

You notice a boy sitting by himself, playing with his food. The boy looks over, "That's Aris." He says, as Newt and Thomas turn to look.
"He's always quiet, he's been here the longest." Ben says as Minho also looks over. The canteen goes quiet and you turn you attention to where everyone is looking. Janson is standing there holding a clipboard.

Ben seems eager as he quickly turns to Janson.
"Hello everyone." Janson says to the group, "The following people will follow me, where your new lives will begin."
Everything goes dead silent as everyone listens in excitement. You and the other Gladers are a little confused, but listen anyway. Janson reads the list out as the kids stand up, some get congratulated by their friends as they walk through the door.

Janson finishes reading the list, "That's all for today, but don't worry...they'll be more tomorrow."
Some people sigh and groan in disappointment.
Jansons eyes hover over to you, and he smiles a little before walking off through the door. You look down at your food and smile a little.
Newt, Minho and Thomas all go, "Oooooo~" with smirks.
Minho chuckles as he says, "Y/Ns got a crush on ratman..."
You look at him and roll your eyes.
Teresa ignores the boys, "Where are those kids going?" she asks.
Ben shrugs, "Some safe haven."
Teresa nods as Minho sighs.

Thomas eyes the door, "I wanna get through."
Newt looks at Thomas, "Mate, look. We're safe here...not everything is a big mystery."
Minho nods, "Newts right. Besides, how are you going to get through anyway?"
"Just follow my lead." Thomas says, standing up.
"Thomas, don't do anything stupid." you say, shaking your head in disbelief.

Thomas ignores you as he walks over to the gaurds. You watch as the gaurds stop Thomas.
"That kids an idiot." Minho says, standing up.
Newt, Teresa and you also stand up as it looks like a fight might start.
Surely enough, the gaurds start shoving Thomas and start yelling. Thomas shouts back and tries to push past the gaurds.

You all rush over and hold Thomas back. Janson rushes out and pushes past the gaurds.
"What's happening here?" He asks in a loud and stern voice.
Janson sees Thomas, "Thomas...you need to trust us..." He says in a softer tone.
Thomas rolls his eyes, "Do we?" He asks as Janson sighs.
"Take them to their bunks, except
You freeze as the everyone looks at you. Janson nods at the gaurds who escort the Gladers away.

"Follow me." Janson says to you, as he begins to walk through the doors.

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