"Breaking Into WICKED"

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The next time you see light is when the bag is yanked off. You blink as your eyes adjust the bright light. Everyone is gawking at you.
Thomas, Newt, Jorge, Brenda and a few other people you don't recognise.
And...Gally? You thought he was dead, but yet, here he is.
"Gally...?" You ask quietly, not believing he's alive.
Gally just nods at you. He looks like he wants to rip your head off. You look at Jorge. Your last encounter resulted in him holding a gun against your head. He glares at you. You realised you're tied to a chair.
"We should've kidnapped Teresa." Thomas says to the others, "Let's not forget she betrayed us out of her love for Janson."

"Shut your shuck face, Thomas. If we kidnapped Teresa, you would've probably made out with her by now." Gally says assertively. You almost forgot about their rivalry they had in the Maze.
"Atleast Teresa is more trustworthy!" Thomas says, flinging his arms into the air.
"I don't trust either one of em, so whys it matter which one we kidnap." Jorge cuts in, giving you an angry glare.
"Slim it you lot." Newt says, sighing, "What choice do we have?"
Brenda nods, "I agree with Newt. We need to find a way inside. She's the way. Being Jansons girlfriend means he probably trusts her more, and is least likely to suspect her."

You listen to the discussion, still confused as to why you're here.
"Listen here, Y/N." Gally says, stepping ever so closer to you, "We need a way into WICKED. We also need these tags out of our necks. You're going to help us, or you'll be saying goodbye to your sad life."
You grit your teeth in frustration. You know you probably deserve this, but you don't care.
"I'm not going to betray-" You start to say, but Thomas cuts you off.
"Betray your precious boyfriend? But it's okay to betray your friends?" He says angrily, stepping closer to you but Gally puts his hand infront of him.

"Stop talking klunk, Thomas." Gally hisses. Thomas rolls his eyes.
"Or what, Gally? You going to kill me like you killed Chuck."
Bad move, Thomas, you think to yourself. Gally freezes. Everyone falls dead silent. You almost forget to breath.
"Say that again, greenie." Gally says in a low whisper.
"Both of you shanks just stop it, alright. Gally, slim it. Thomas, shut your bloody face." Newt says, standing in between the two. He points at you, "Y/N, you will help us."
You bite your tongue, knowing you have no other options.
"Fine. What do need me to do?"


Newt winces in pain as you remove the chip in his neck.
"Done." You say softly. Newt gets up and looks at you. He doesn't say anything and walks off to talk to Thomas. You feel a sinking feeling in your stomach. I mean, you knew they weren't going to like you, but they were your only friends. You were in the maze together and you escaped WICKED together.
Now they treat you like a stranger.
What did you expect, I suppose?

"Hey, traitor." Jorge says from behind you. You spin around to face him, feeling a surge of anger and hatred. He smiles at you, but it's only a fake, mocking type of smile.
"How's Janson? Tell him I miss him." He says mockingly.
"He's great actually. I'm sure he misses you too. Misses you enough to put a bullet straight through your skull." You say calmly, not letting emotions get the better of you.
Jorge just laughs and walks away, muttering to himself.
"Here's the plan." Gally says, causing you to turn around, "You get us into WICKED. You take us to the control room and we shut off their defence mechanism. Those big guns on the wall? I want those shut off.
Then, you take us to Minho. We get Minho, kiss you goodbye and we're out of there. You do anything, and I mean anything that'll draw attention to us, we'll shoot you. Clear? "

You nod,"Clear."
"Good that." Gally says. Thomas walks over. He ignores you and says something to Gally. They both walk away into another room, along with Newt. You look down at your watch. An hour has passed since you were kidnapped.
When the boys return, they're wearing WICKED gaurd suits. Obviously, they need to blend in. They nod at Jorge and Brenda, and the plan is put into motion.
Thomas pulls his mask down, followed by Newt.
"Let's go." Thomas says, nodding at Newt. The boys grab guns and pull the straps over their shoulders.
"Brenda, you're with me." Gally says assertively. Brenda smiles confidently.
"WICKED won't know what hit 'em!" She exclaims, clearly excited by this whole plan.
You feel uneasy by the whole situation. Something is bound to go wrong.


20 minutes later, you're entering the WICKED building again, followed closely by Newt, Thomas and Gally. Gally, however, goes off on his own. Probably to shut down the city's defence system and to rescue the teenagers. You're job is to lead Thomas and Newt to Minho. The place is practically empty except the gaurds on patrol and a few scientists on lates. You lead the boys up the stairs cautiously, trying to avoid suspicion. A few gaurds nod their heads respectfully at you and most don't pay you any attention.

You arrive at the lift and Thomas reaches over to press the button. The doors open, to your relief, and you get inside. The doors begin to close, but suddenly, an arm blocks the door from closing causing you to jump. Janson opens the lift again.
"Hold it." He mutters. He sounds tired, you notice. You can feel the lift tense up as Janson looks at you with narrowed eyes. He gets inside the lift and presses a button.
"Hey, Y/n. I thought you were heading home?" He asks, looking forward and not at you.
"I was, but...I erm, left my bag in one of the labs." You quickly think of a lie, but Janson clearly isn't convinced. He turns his head to look at you, and you look back at him nervously.
"What bag? You didn't bring a bag this morning?" He asks, skeptical. You notice Thomas's fingers tense around his gun, and you start to feel extremely anxious. You try and signal that something is wrong to Janson with your eyes. He gets the message and nods subtly. You only hope Thomas or Newt didn't notice.

Finally, you're saved by the doors opening. You smile weakly at Janson and leave the lift. Newt follows you out, and Thomas bumps shoulders with Janson. Stupid idiot, you think to yourself.
The doors close, leaving Janson behind. You only hope he understood your signal. Thomas grabs your shoulder and spins you around.
"What the hell was that?" He snaps, he pulls his mask off. He looks pissed.
"Thomas, you don't understand anything! We're trying to find a cure here. You're trying to stop humanities only hope of survival." You say, not raising your voice. Newt takes his own mask off. He looks just as annoyed.
"You really think that WICKED is good? Treating teenagers like lab rats is good?" Thomas replies, stepping closer to you.
"I didn't say that. You're twisting my words." You sigh, shaking your head in disbelief at his ignorance.
"Come on, mate, we don't have bloody time for this." Newt says, pulling Thomas back.
"Thomas, let us test your blood, please. It could help us find a cure!" You say quietly, trying to make Thomas see sense.
"There is no cure, Y/n!" Thomas shouts angrily.

"Don't waste your breath, Y/n!" Someone shouts behind you. You spin around and sigh in relief at seeing Janson. He's aiming his gun at Thomas. Some WICKED gaurds rush in either side of you, all aiming their guns.
Thomas grabs your shoulder and puts a gun to your head.
Here we go again, you think. This is probably the second time you've been held at gunpoint, and you're getting pretty bored of it.

WICKED Love || (Y/N x Janson Fanfiction- Maze Runner) Where stories live. Discover now