"The End"

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You fade in and out of consciousness. You're not sure what's happening whenever you're awake, but you can feel yourself being carried and you can hear the destruction of the Last City all around, but it all seems distant as you slip into unconsciousness again. Fragments of your past start coming back to you in your unconscious state.

It's your first day working at WICKED. You're nervous, obviously, and the Director already showed you around. The Director is a nice woman. Middle aged with blonde hair. She introduced herself as Chancellor Ava Paige.
You're setting up your stuff in one of the labs when Ava enters to check on you, followed by a man you've never seen before. He has black hair, and he's wearing a turtleneck. He introduces himself to you as AD Janson, assistant director.
"Hello. I'm Y/N." You say quietly, trying not to make a bad first impression. He doesn't seem impressed with your muttering, but he doesn't comment on it. Ava smiles at you and says a few things before leaving. Janson stays in the lab, however. He ignores you and walks over to one of the other scientists in the room. You continue setting up, but you feel his eyes on you the whole time.

"Y/N," He calls out to you after a minute, "Pass me a test tube."
You look over at him, and he's standing next to a male scientist. You quickly grab a test tube and walk over to him, but stupidly enough, you trip up on seemingly nothing. You fall to the floor and drop the test tube, smashing it. You quickly stand up, your knees burning from the impact.
"You stupid girl! How exactly did you get this job!?" Janson shouts at you, causing the room to go silent. You feel your cheeks flush from embarrassment and you only manage to stumble out a 'sorry'.
"Clean it up! Don't just stare at me!" He throws his arms into the air and scoffs. You quickly start picking up the bigger bits of glass, but you cut your finger.
You wince in pain, and you feel yourself start to tear up. What a horrible first day, and what a horrible man, you think to yourself. Janson sees that you've started crying and his face softens.
"I'm sorry." He kneels down in front of you and helps you clean up, "It's been a long day. I shouldn't have shouted at you."
You feel yourself start to blush, but you quickly turn your face away, much to Jansons amusement as he laughs to himself.

You regain consciousness again. You're still being carried, but now unsure of your surroundings. You're no longer in the Last City and you manage to open your eyes. You're looking up at a white roof, the lights hurting your eyes. You close your eyes again. The pain kicks in, bringing you back to the harsh reality. You're still wounded, and if not treated, you'll die. You fall back into unconsciousness again, escaping the pain. The next time you wake up, you hear people talking all around you. None of the voices you recognise. The pain is gone, but it's replaced by a sharp stinging sensation. Once again, everything goes black.

You open your eyes slowly. You're blinded by the light, but you quickly adjust. You're on a bed, a pretty comfortable bed. In your room. Or atleast, your old room. You sit up, wincing from the effort and pain of it. Your wound has been bandaged up, and the pain is completely gone. You look around the room. You immediately recognise the place you're at. It's the first facility you and the Gladers escaped from. You smile to yourself at the nostalgia of this place, but then you frown as everything else hits you. The Last City, destroyed. Thomas, shooting you. You feel a pang of sadness as the realisation that you'll never see the Gladers again hits you hard. Like a blow to the stomach. But Janson. Janson is safe, you hope.
Just as you're thinking that, the door opens and Janson walks in. He looks tired and rough. His hair is messy and his face is still cut and bruised from his fight with Thomas. But he's alive atleast. You both are.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty." He walks into the room and sits on your bed.
"Morning." You smile, despite everything that's happened.
"Don't ever do that again. I thought you were dead." He says slowly, trying to lecture you like it's your fault.
"I'll try not to."
"Good, because next time I won't save your sorry ass." He smirks and then leans in and kisses your forehead.
You smile. You notice that Janson looks worse, the flare obviously being the culprit.
"Janson, you're still infected..." You mutter quietly. Janson nods slowly, a grim look on his face.
"I give it two weeks before I become one of them. But, don't worry, I'll be dead before that." He says it calmly, like it's normal.
"Don't say that. We can find a cure-" you stop talking, suddenly remembering something. The Cure.
You picked it up while the two were fighting and...you quickly unzip your pocket and search it.

Thank God you still have it. You pull it out your pocket and show Janson, whose face immediately lights up.
"Y/N, you absolute genius!" He exclaims, suddenly looking much better as if the sight of the cure has cured him. He takes the cure from you and without hesitation injects himself with it.
You smile, suddenly feeling a million times happier. Even if WICKED failed to cure the virus, at least you'll get your happily ever after. And the Gladers, wherever they are, will be safe.
Janson suddenly kisses you deeply, catching you off gaurd. You kiss him back and he holds it for a few seconds before pulling away.
"Everything will be fine, Y/N." He smiles at you. You smile back and nod.
"I know."

WICKED Love || (Y/N x Janson Fanfiction- Maze Runner) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora