"The Cure"

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You're at a loss for words as you stare dumbfounded at his infection. He pulls his sleeve back down and there's a long moment of silence. Janson steps towards you and puts his hand on your shoulder.
You don't what to say, but luckily, you don't have to say anything as a loud explosion outside turns your attention away from Janson. You run to the nearest window and Janson follows you.
Outside, a section of the city's walls has been completely blown to bits.
Janson cusses loudly, "What the fuck!? What happened to our goddamm security systems!?" He shouts angrily, banging his fist on the windowsill. Shit, you think.
"Janson, Thomas and Newt must've deactivated it!" You say quickly, feeling just as pissed off. You look back outside. There's a mob of people entering the city and it's complete chaos.
Janson kisses your forehead and quickly sprints off down the corridor without another word. You watch him leave then look out the window hopelessly.

They were only meant to take down WICKED, not the whole damm city. You feel useless just watching, but you can't do anything to help. There's explosions going on throughout the whole city and all you can think of is the loss of innocent lives.
The evacuation alarm sounds throughout the building, sending everything into panic mode. You set off down the corridors, making your way through the sea of evacuating scientists.
You run up the stairs, trying to find Teresa. You see her in one of the labs, still working.

"Teresa, are you deaf, blind or stupid? We've gotta go, like...now." You say, walking over to her. She's examining someones blood in a microscope and doesn't say anything. She doesn't even acknowledge you.
Still no reply. You sigh in annoyance.
"What are you doing that's more important then the destruction of this whole goddamm city?" You ask, somewhat impatiently. She actually looks at you, smiles weakly then goes back to her microscope. You throw your arms up in the air and make an annoyed sound.
"Have fun dying then. Because I'm getting my sweet ass out off here." You say, making one last attempt to get a reply from her.

You see Ava Paige coming down the corridor. She sees you and Teresa and enters the lab.
"Don't even bother." You say to her. Ava looks at you with pursed lips then completely ignores your advice.
"Teresa, why haven't you evacuated?"
Teresa looks up at Ava.
"Look at this. It's important." She says quickly.
You scoff in disbelief.
"Oh great, yeah listen to her but not me." you say sarcastically, rolling your eyes. Ava shoots you a warning look then goes to see what Teresa is so interested in. Outside, you can see the onslaught continue with fire and explosions destroying the whole city.
"I'm going to find Janson before I get blown to bits." You say, somewhat sarcastically but also dead serious. Ava and Teresa don't pay much attention to what you just said, so you walk out of the lab. Whatever they think is so important is their problem and to be honest, you couldn't care less.
You speed walk through the almost deserted corridors. You can still hear the shouts and explosions outside, which is enough motivation to pick up your pace.

You find Janson in the security room, not so surprisingly. There's still a few WICKED gaurds there and Janson is watching the camera footage of the chaos outside. He hears your approach and turns to face you.
"Why are you still here? Why haven't you left the city yet?" He asks you, narrowing his eyes.
"Good to see you too. Look, I'm glad that you're so dedicated to your job that not even the possible threat of being blown up can make you resign, but like...we kinda gotta go." You say slowly, hoping that someone will have common sense and actually listen to you. Janson, however, pretends not to hear you and turns his attention back to the CCTV monitors.

"There!" One of the gaurds suddenly cries, pointing to something on the screen. At first, you can only make out a whole lot of fire and chaos, but then you see exactly what he's pointing at.
Janson sees it aswell as he leans in to get a closer look. You follow suit, leaning over his shoulder. You can see Minho and Gally on the footage, running through the dangerous streets. Where they're heading is unknown, but they're in a rush.
"Go find them. When you do, shoot them." Janson says coldly, standing up straight again. You look at him in disbelief, but you can see that he's not joking. His expression is dead serious and he turns to look at you. The few gaurds in the room all jump up at his orders and run out of the room.

"Janson-" You start, but he cuts you off.
"Y/N," He says in harsh whisper, putting his hand on your shoulder, "Don't question my orders."
Any compassion there once was is completely gone. He sounds authoritative, more like your boss then your boyfriend. You feel a little hurt and upset. He looks at you a moment more before setting off, running out off the room. You feel sick of being left in the dark and  being treated like some naive little girl, so you run after him. You head out of the security room and see Janson at the end of the corridor. You set off after him, passing Teresa in the corridor but not paying any attention to her. Janson turns a corner and you're still a fair bit behind him.
"Janson!" You call after him. He slows down then stops, slowly turning around to face you. You reach him and regain your breath. Outside, you can hear a loud boom. It sounds closer now, and you know it's only a matter of time until they hit WICKED.
"Janson..." You say again, slower, "Listen to me, for once!" You raise your voice slightly and it catches Janson off gaurd.

"Y/N, this is important." He says sternly.
"No! It's not! You're so obsessed with Thomas and the Gladers!" You shout, feeling extremely frustrated. Janson narrows his eyes at you and takes a step closer, but you don't back down.
"Excuse me? Y/N, everything I do needs to be done. And no one else has the balls to do it."
"You think putting bullets in teenagers is brave?" You ask harshly, feeling slightly guilty. Janson just stares at you, not saying anything. Suddenly, he grabs your waist and pulls you into a kiss. It catches you completely off gaurd, and you feel the urge to push him away, but you eventually give in. You have to admit that he's good at calming you down, and he clearly knows how to win arguments like this. The kiss last for a few seconds before he pulls away.
"You absolute ass-" You say, but he just smirks.
"You didn't resist, babe." He says teasingly.
"Don't 'babe' me. I'm still mad at you." You retort.
"Sure-" But he's cut off by the intercom. It's Teresa's voice sounding throughout the building.

"Thomas..." She's says, making Janson look around as if Teresa would just appear, "Thomas, you need to come back to me. You can save Newt. You can save everyone. You're blood is the cure."
You and Janson both look at each other, and you know exactly what he's thinking.
This was only the start of your problems, and it's about to get messy.

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