"The Other Survivors"

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"We've been walking through the scorch for days! My waters run out." Newt said, tilting his head back to drink the last droplet of water.
"Yeah...how far away are we from the mountains now...?" Minho asks, narrowing his eyes and looking into the distance.
Thomas shrugs.

You have been walking through the scorch for at least 3 days, yet the mountains in the distance never seem to get closer. It's difficult, trying to go to the mountains to find this Right Arms Resistance when you've got WICKED up your ass (not literally, but metaphorically)
WICKED helicopters have flown over a few times, and everyone's scrambled for cover. You're safe, for now.

Thomas points into the distance, "Hey, what's that?" He asks, speeding up his walking pace.
Everyone stays close behind him and you all see what he's referring to.
In the distance is a building of some sort.
"Is it the resistance?" Teresa asks, but Minho shakes his head.
"Well, there might be other survivors! They can help us get to the mountains!" You say hopefully.

Newt jumps up and down in joy, "And they might have water!" He says, a little too joyfully.
You all start running towards the building, despite your dehydration and your overheating.
Thomas, being the fastest, reaches the building first.
He enters the building and you all follow.

Its much cooler in here, and you're surrounded by...cranks?
Newt is the first to scream as a crank runs at him, but stops just before reaching him.
"What the fuck?" you ask, realising the cranks are chained up and can't actually reach you.
Teresa screams a little aswell as the crank nearest to her reaches an arm out to grab her.

"Stay calm..." Thomas says, eyeing the crank directly in front of him.
Minho steps back from the crank nearest to him and nearly backs up into the crank behind him.

"Pretty cool trap, huh?" Asks a female voice in the distance.
You all turn to the voice and see a young woman with short hair. She's looks pretty.
"Hey, are you all just gonna stare at me or you gonna come along?" She asks with a sly smirk.


"I'm Brenda. This is a place for survivors like you." She says, walking ahead as you all follow her through a crowd of rough looking man. They eye you and Teresa up and down, which makes you two side eye each other.
"We need help." Thomas says, walking beside Brenda.
"That's why I'm taking you to the big boss." Brenda says blankly.

You all enter a room and inside you see an older man with grey hair and a grey beard.
"Alright, Brenda, who are these lot?" He asks in a softer voice then you'd imagine.
"New arrivals." Brenda says, moving to stand next to the man.
"I'm Jorge, and you guys are...hold on..." He says, suddenly stopping.
He signals for his men to step forward. Some of them grab you from behind and almost scan your necks.

One of them calls out, "They're tagged."
However, the one behind you shakes his head, "She's not tagged." He says bluntly.
"So you've escaped from WICKED, I suppose we could sell you back to them for a high price. But you..." Jorge says, turning to you.
"Why aren't you tagged? Are you not from WICKED?" He asks, narrowing his eyes.

Newt looks at you, "She was in the maze with us."
Jorge suddenly looks like he's remembered something.
"You're...oh, this is good! You're that asshole Jansons girlfriend, aren't you." He says like he's won the lottery.
Brenda's jaw drops, "Oh my god, she is."
Everyone now looks at you.

"No, no. That was in the past. She's good, she with us now." Thomas says, putting his hands out.
Jorge shakes his head, "Janson will pay alot of money to have you back."
Brenda nods, "Or, we could kill her just to spite that evil bastard."
Jorge laughs loudly, making everyone jump slightly, "Yes, we could...throw her in with the others."

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