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Janson gives Ava a cold glare as he walks out of the elevator. You follow his lead and the lift doors close behind you.
"I'm not going to ask why you and Y/N were...sharing affection for each other in the lift." Ava says in her usual assertive tone. Janson sneers and doesn't say anything. You almost burst out laughing at Dr Paiges strange wording of the awkward situation. I mean, you were just caught making out with Janson in a freaking elevator.
"Why are you so late, Janson?" Ava asks but she clearly doesn't care about the answer.

"I overslept." Janson says, sneering at her still. You stand next to Janson awkwardly, hoping to avoid Ava's icy glare.
"You overslept?" She repeats, narrowing her eyes.
"Yes." Janson replies coldly. Ava shakes her head in disbelief, "Sorry." He adds on with no emotion or sincerity in his voice.
"Get your sorry ass in that meeting room." Ava snaps. Janson discretely rolls his eyes and walks off.

Much to your dislike, Ava turns her glare to you. But you notice her expression soften ever so slightly.
"Y/N, I don't want you to get distracted." She says, a little less sternly, "I fear your prioties aren't in the right place. I know you care about this cure as much as I do, and I want that to be your main focus."

You nod slowly, "I know. I'm sorry."
She smiles. Actually smiles at you. She turns and begins walking away before quickly spinning around to face you again.
"Oh, and your lipstick is smudged." She says, shrugging and walking away. Probably to go and lecture Jansons ass on punctuality. Your face flushes bright red as you quickly wipe away the smudged lipstick.

You find Teresa in one of the research labs. She looks up at you and smiles as you walk over. Her eyes wander down to your neck.
"Oooo~" She says teasingly. Confused, you look in the window reflection at your neck. Janson left a hickey. You quickly hide it with you shirt collar.
Teresa winks at you, "I won't mention it." She laughs a little.
You nod, "Great, yeah. Well, Dr Paige caught us kissing in the bloody lift."
Teresa bursts out laughing. You roll your eyes.

"You're supposed to support me." You say jokingly.
"The lift? Seriously?" Teresa says in between snorts of laughter.
"I felt like evaporating into thin air. Janson looked so pissed though!" You say, joining in on the laughter. Some of the other scientists in the lab look at you two, clearly annoyed by your laughter as they're trying to work. A male scientist even makes a shushing sound. But you and Teresa continue to giggle like school girls.

After an hour of boring research, you're finally saved by your knight in shining armour. Janson walks into the lab and spots you instantly. Teresa winks at you, causing you to blush and roll your eyes. Janson approaches you and leans on the table next to you.
"That was..." He says, clearly trying to find words to describe the situation.
"Amusing." You say, laughing a little. He smiles, "I just got my ass lectured by Ava. Probably 20 minutes of the meeting was her rambling on about concentration and being on time." He rolls his eyes.

"What was the actual meeting about?" You ask, leaning on the table.
"Thomas and the other Gladers. They were spotted outside the walls, as you probably know."
This catches Teresa's attention as she looks up in surprise.
"Really?" You ask, feeling shocked by this. If Thomas is at the Last City, it's obvious he's only after one thing. Minho. He nods, almost like he can read your mind as he adds,
"They're probably looking to get Minho back." He sighs.

Teresa joins in on the conversation, "He might try and get inside the City."
Janson turns to look at Teresa, "It's impossible. We have more guns on the wall than all the gaurds own in WICKED. He tries even getting near the wall, and we'll open fire and say goodnight to Thomas."
Its obvious that the last sentence upset Teresa, "You're really going to kill him?" she asks in a quiet voice.
Janson sneers, "Will that be a problem?" He asks, narrowing his eyes. You feel the tension begin to build.
"Janson, you said he was spotted outside the walls. He's probably with Lawrence now and his group of Cranks." You say, trying to change the subject. Janson turns his attention back to you, thank God, and nods.
"Yeah, probably." He shrugs, "Well, if he tries to contact either of you, I trust you'll let me know." He says, clearly aiming that at Teresa rather then you.

Teresa doesn't say anything and Janson smiles at you. He kisses your forehead and leaves the lab. You look at Teresa and shrug.
"Janson has a thing for the theatrics. I don't think he'll kill Thomas." You say reassuringly, but not really believing it yourself. You remember him shooting Mary. You know he wouldn't hesitate to shoot Thomas.
"Yeah. I have to warn the Gladers though." She says quietly. Your eyes widen.
"You can't. Janson will find out." You can't believe her audacity. She's already betrayed them, is she willing to betray WICKED aswell? You don't doubt it. She loves Thomas, she she'll probably warn him no matter what you say.

"I can't let Janson kill him, Y/N. You know I can't." She says, shaking her head.
"Teresa, how are you going to warn him anyways? He's outside the walls. You can't exactly waltz on out there." You say, trying to knock some sense into her.
"He's after Minho. I could trade-"
"No!" You snap, cutting her off, "Teresa, it's a suicide mission."
She sighs, "I know..."

You yawn. It's getting late now. You finish up work and look at the time. 10:40 pm. You and Teresa are the last two left in the lab now.
"I'm heading home." You say, standing up and stretching.
"Alright. See you tomorrow." Teresa says, smiling at you.
"Yeah, see you tomorrow." You smile back and leave the lab. You walk through the nearly empty corridors. You walk past Jansons office and peek inside. He's typing on his computer and looks up at you.
"Hey, Y/N. You heading home?" He asks, leaning back on his chair and yawning.
"Yeah." You reply, coming in further. He nods, "Alright. Give me an hour. I'll see you back at the apartment."
You smile, "Alright. See you in an hour. Don't be late, I'm not waiting around all day for you."
He smirks and rolls his eyes, "Yeah, yeah. I'll be dead on time. Especially after my lecture today, I've learnt my lesson." He says sarcastically, chuckling. You laugh and shake your head.

You leave the WICKED building. The nights air is cold. Curfew begins in about 10 minutes, so everyone is heading home. You walk through the busy streets and reach a road.
People crowd together on the crossing, but you're used to it. Something catches you eye. Standing on the opposite side of the street is-

Wait, no. You squint, trying to make out who it is. There's no mistaking it.


You push past everyone and and rush over to him, but he turns and dissappears into the crowd. You haven't seen him in so long...the last time you met, you were on WICKEDS side. You need to talk to him. To make him understand why you betrayed them.
You push your way through the crowd, following after him. You catch glimpses of him every now and then. Finally, you make it to a clearing. Thomas is standing there.
You rush over to him. You've been dreading seeing him again, and here he is. You've imagined this over and over. What'd you'd say to him. But it all evaporates as you look at each other.
You can only manage one word.

All of a sudden, someone is putting a bag over your head and everything goes dark.

WICKED Love || (Y/N x Janson Fanfiction- Maze Runner) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt