"The Last City"

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After a long journey, you finally arrive at the Last City. You find yourself gawping in surprise at the size of the city. It's almost as if the flare virus had never even occurred within the tall walls.
Janson grins at you, "Pretty neat, right?"
You giggle and nod.

The WICKED building is at the center of the bustling city. It's tall, and it has atleast 50 floors from the looks of it. Janson leads you through the city streets. It's nearly nightfall now. There's dozens of people all wearing masks. It's almost like life is normal here.
You reach the large apartment that you'll live in. You're staying there with Janson. He leads you inside away from the busy streets.

Its very modern inside with 3 floors. Pretty much what'd you expect for the Assistant Director of WICKED. He gives you a quick tour.
"So, where am I sleeping?" You ask as Janson sits down on the sofa. He shrugs with a little smirk.
"There's a second bedroom, with a single bed but it's pretty small." He chuckles and you sit down on the sofa next to him.
"Your bedroom is pretty big. I'll think I'll share your room." You giggle and rest your head on his shoulder.
He puts his hand around your neck and smiles, "I'm not complaining. I'll give you a tour of WICKED tomorrow."

You yawn and close your eyes. It's getting late and you feel tired.
"Oh, I think it's someone's bedtime." Janson says teasingly, stroking your hair.
"I can't get up." You mutter as you continue to fall asleep on his shoulder.
"You can't, or can't be bothered?" He asks, "Do you want me to carry you to bed?"
You mutter a 'yes' and the next thing you know, you're being lifted off the sofa and being princess carried up the stairs.

He places you onto the bed gently and puts the covers around you. You start to fall asleep as he climbs into bed next to you. He cuddles you and you almost instantly fall asleep.
You wake up the next morning to the smell of eggs and bacon. You notice that Janson isn't in bed anymore so you head downstairs. Janson's in the kitchen, cooking breakfast.
You walk over to him and look over his shoulder to see what he's cooking.

"Are you actually cooking?" You ask teasingly as you lean on the counter next to him. He looks at you and shakes his head.
"Yes, Y/N. I'm very capable of cooking, you know." He smirks and nudges your shoulder playfully.
"Okay, chef, you're in charge." You giggle and sit down at the table. Janson serves your food, scrambled eggs and bacon.
He sits opposite you and starts eating.

"I'm scared that if I eat this, I'll get food poisoning." You say with a fake look of concern.
Janson laughs and pushes the plate closer to you, "Shut up and eat your food."
You smile and start eating. It's surprisingly really good.

"I didn't know you were so capable of cooking a decent breakfast." You say leaning back on your chair as you finish your food. Janson finishes eating and rolls his eyes.
"I can do everything, my love." He laughs and stands up.
You put your plate in the dishwasher and sit on the counter.
Janson stands in front of you and puts his hands on your waist.
"So, little miss. What do you want to do today?" He asks playfully.
You smirk, "I don't know...you should probably give me that tour of WICKED."

He gently lifts you off the counter and places you on the floor,
"Sure. Get ready and meet me outside in 10, okay?" He says, before leaving the kitchen.


You put on a more 'professional' outfit and head outside.
"You look gorgeous." Janson says flirtatiously. He's waiting outside for you, wearing his usual turtleneck sweater.
"Don't I always?" You respond playfully. He laughs lightly and grabs your hand, sending butterflies through your stomach.
"Of course." He says with a little smirk. He walks you through the streets of the Last City, which still baffles you in it's size and normality.
You reach WICKED, the building towering high above you. Janson gives you a detailed tour. He walks you through the corridors, pointing out all the different rooms and what they're for. Lots of scientists walk by, all wearing white lab coats like the sci-fi movies you remember watching as a child.

There's atleast 50 floors, and the tour takes you up to about midday, where you and Janson part ways.
"Alright, I have work I need to get to." Janson says, kissing your cheek, "I'll see you later, alright."
You nod, "Okay, see you later."
"Oh, I've set you up on the 30th floor, with Teresa." He says before wandering off.
You head back to the elevator, having absolutely no clue where the lab is you're going to start work in. I mean, there's atleast 20 labs on the 30th floor. The elevator ride is slow and painfully boring, but finally, the doors open. You step out of the lift and wander around the corridors, trying to find the lab Janson told you about.

After a few minutes of searching, you spot Teresa inside a lab. You enter and she looks relieved to see you.
"Y/N! Finally, a familiar face." She smiles warmly. You smile and head over to her.
"Yeah...tell me about. About 10 people I haven't even seen before know my name." You say, half-jokingly. She laughs a little.
"You're Jansons girlfriend. You're quite the celebrity." She replies.
You look over at what she's doing. She's holding a syringe, with some liquid inside.
"What's that?" You ask.
She shrugs and says, "It's the numbing agent."
"Numbing agent?"
She nods and shakes the liquid inside the syringe around, "Yeah. It doesn't cure the Flare, but it makes it less painful. It slows the effects down."
You nod slowly.

"Hey, I'm sorry...sorry about betraying the Gladers. I only did it because they made me...they threatened to kill everyone if I didn't- I had no choice." Teresa says suddenly, in a remorseful tone. You smile reassuringly, understanding what she's going through.
" I know...it's okay. And, I'm sorry aswell. I just..." You sigh and shake your head," I know it sounds absurd, but I really do love him, you know. Before the maze, and now. What I did was wrong, but I don't regret it...not all of it, at least."
Teresa nods and places a hand on your shoulder, "You might not think it, but you're a Glader. You were in the maze. You suffered as much as we have. I don't blame you. If you really do love him, then I understand why you did what you did. And, I know it was you. All the gladers do. You saved us, you pulled the fire alarm and gave us the perfect diversion to escape."

You feel a weight being lifted off your shoulders as Teresa pulls you in for a hug.
At least they know that you saved them...maybe they can forgive you aswell...?

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