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"Wow!" Dick exclaimed. He gracefully made his way to the trapeze and swung to catch his brother as this one did not make it in time to catch the trapeze he has jumped to. "That was close. What was your plan? Coming here and doing those tricks on your own, without supervision." Dick scolded him gently, as he got them down on the floor. "Here I thought you were the least reckless."

"Me? The least reckless?" Damian laughed incredulously at the words his beloved brother was uttering. "You do realize you are talking to the person who stood up and mouthed off Ra's al Ghul, the Devil, Darkseid, and Larfleeze."

"Point," Dick agreed, sweat dropping. "Still, I know you can fly and heal yourself, but be more careful. If just for your dad and mine's peace of mind."

"Got it," Damian promised with a smile. "Then... maybe you could teach me?" "Acrobatics?" Dick asked surprised, no one has ever asked him that before.

"Well, I cook with Jason, take care of the garden with Alfred, dance with Cass, shop with papa, play video games with Tim, play music with Mara, do art with Alec, and spar with Jade." Damian explained. "But I don't have an activity that it's just our own. I would like to get to bond with you." Damian looked up, to Dick, with a fragile hope that took the older brother by surprise. "I would like to get to know you better."

Ok, this is not fair! Dick whined internally. He is so adorable! I just want to wrap my arms around him and never let him go!

"Of course!" Dick said out loud, instead of what he was thinking. "If we train you up to shape, you can even join me on some of my circus' shows!"

"I would love that!" Damian agreed instantly, being completely honest.

In one life, Dick had been Damian's most important person. Even more than Alfred, Bruce, and Talia. Richard had been his Batman. That meant more than any of his siblings and even his father ever fully understood. That never changed, not even after Bruce had returned and resumed the role of Batman. Richard will always be his Batman. His first baba. Which is why when he traveled back in time, he made the executive decision of never taking the mantle of Robin. His partner will always be Richard, he no longer wanted to lie to himself or anyone else. Which is why he took the name of Flamebird. The Flamebird to Richard's Nightwing. Forever partners.

"You know, something I've noticed about you is that you make sure to always call us for our familiar titles," Richard commented, while they were taking aa break. They've been playing the childish 20 questions game, when Dick pointed that out. "Dad is baba, Alfred is shido, Alec is akhi, so am I, and Mara and Cass are akhti. Why?" Richard's smile stuttered when he noticed.

Damian's eyes glimmer with unshed tears. "I am so sorry! You do not need to answer!"

One of Damian's biggest regrets was not have never called Richard brother... until it was too late. Damian had to watch his entire family be ripped to shreds and he had only been cruel to them. It broke him. In ways the League of Assassins had never been able to. Maybe what they say is true, killing them with kindness is the best way to finish with your enemy. Had it not been by Raven accepting to join him in Nanda Parbat, and later John and William, Damian did not know what he would have done... or what would have become of him.

But the scars were left. Which is why, if you had known the Damian of that first timeline, this new version would be too jarring. He was more mindful of people's opinions and careful with his words. He was still the same confident and proud boy he was raised to be. But this time, while he truly thought he was perfect, his perfection comes from knowing he is imperfect and having learned to accept and love those imperfections. He has learned to heal and love himself and decided to spend the rest of his life healing others. Even when he takes over his great-grandparent's mantle, he will continue to heal the souls of the dammed.

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