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5th february; the first note

the day i been dreading has finally come, it was monday. another horrible school day, i secretly prayed that arin would forget the dare. i stayed in bed contemplating whether i should get off the bed, or make a lame excuse and receive a lecture from my mom. well i chose to go to school.

throwing my feet off the bed i stand up, glancing at the clock displayed on my wall.

5 45 it read in neon green, glowing from the darkness of my room. flicking my light on, and wincing at the sudden light that contacted with my eyes. taking a quick shower, i pull on the uncomfortable uniform. 'cuz well apparently uniform body activities gotta happen today!

pinning the sash to my shirt i exit my room, whilst tying my boring medium length charcoal hair into a ponytail. sitting at the dinner table i eat my breakfast like any usual morning, the usual talk with my mom.

turn's out my dad is out, so he would come around the time i get out of house. kid's my age usually either walk home alone or with a friend. however, even if i would like to, my parents are quite protective of me.

the ride to school was well, basic boring, my dad asking when i finish. which for some reason he forgets, nonetheless i still remind him.

as i walk through the school gates, i pray silently that arin either would be absent or had forgotten. once i had reached my class, i take a deep breath trying to even out my hagged breathing. entering my class, met with silence and my friend giving a small smile. sitting down at my usual spot, in front of class. no, i don't sit at front cuz im nerdy or teachers favorite, its just that even if i wear glasses i still can't see. my grades aren't the worst but they aren't exactly the best either.

the usual morning ends, but of course, how could i forget. every monday the 8,9, and 10th graders would have a special assembly, planned and directed by a specific class. i walk out of my class following the line, but secretly shuffle over to arin and eun-jung, the thought of the dare long gone.

sitting down in the hall, eun-jung and i start conversing about some random stray-kids comeback, and how hot the members are. the smirk on arin's face didn't go noticed by me as i gave her a questioning look.

"what?" i say, "you better do the dare" she whispers. shivers run down my spin, i felt my heart stop, oh my god!

"i prayed you would forget" i admit, she laughs, shaking her head as she says "how can i forget such an amazing dare" she does her usual evil giggle, as eun-jung sits between us completely confused on what was going on. i sigh, explaining to her of how me, tsuki, tayoming and arin ended up playing a roblox game. "...and i got the dare" i end as i look down at my shoe in despair.

she laughs, slaps my arm, and continues wheezing as i glare into her skull.

the special assembly became blurry as me and the two girls conversed about kpop the whole time, featuring a very evil looking arin.

as soon as it ended i shot up from my chair trying to escape the devil looking, my so called friends. "gimme gimme more, gimme gimme more~" i sing txts song sugar rush ride, awkwardly dancing to it as i laugh. arin gives me a weirded out look, before laughing.

the school day became stressful as all i could do was, stare at the clock. hastly taking down business studies notes before the bell rang, throwing the book in my bag. almost forgetting one of the most important things of today, and getting instantly reminded as i saw arin. grabbing my notebook, hastly ripping a page, i scribble a small 'hi'.

carefully folding it up, i shoved it into my pocket. running out the door with my lunch money and 'banana milk'; also known as, the love of my life?! who doesn't love banana milk, if you don't then... its your choice really. skipping down the stairs, feeling my stomach having a whole zoo.

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