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23rd february ; unexpected events [part 2]

"i... are you sure you wanna know?" he grins, i nod impatiently as he lets out an airy laugh. he leans a bit close, the corners on his lips curling up slightly, "i also have a crush on you".

my eyes widen at that sentence, as a pink hue spreads across my cheeks. damn... my crush actually likes me back! is this a dream?! "if you don't mind me asking, how did you get a crush on me?" he asks, curiosity filling his eyes as they sparkle under the moonlight. "well, my friend pointed you out saying you look like minho, i asked from what angle, but she kept showing me you everyday and slowly i started developing a crush"

"wow..." he looked away, his ears started becoming a deep red. "what about you?" i started, "...how did you get a crush on me?" i smiled gently. "well, when i first saw you i thought you were cute, and you are just different from other girls i have spoken to... in a good way"

an comfortable silence engulfs between us, as we sit at the bench staring at the sky. "so what are we?" i say breaking  the silence. "crushes?" he says in an unsure tone, "lets give us a week next friday we will conclude our title, what do you say?" he suggests. i think for a bit before saying "hmm, sure" i smile. the next friday would definitely be a day i dread for.

"i think your friends did something to you, first you scream hi to me at school and then you are over her being bold with your feelings" yukhei states making me blush madly. i laugh whole heartedly shaking my head.

"so... what other socials do you use?" he asks trying to keep the conversation going, "instagram, i have it to talk to my friends who don't use discord and upload digital art on there". "are you good at digital art?" he says, leaning in smiling. "i guess?" i say in an unsure tone, it came as a question more than confidence. "do i get to see?" his eyes sparkle in excitement.

"um, sure... lemme find one" i smile scrolling through my gallery, "here" i say showing him a drawing. "oohh, it looks nice, i wonder who that is." he asks genuinely confused, but i just look at him dead in the eye. "no, like seriously", i blink twice "minho" i say in a monotone.

"oh... didn't wanna get the love of your life wrong, i'll always be second to him..." he rants.

"no, you'd be first, 'cuz you're my in real life crush" i reassured. "bet, you'd ditch me if you saw him" he continues his rant. "calm down yukhei!" i sigh, "you are my real life crush i'd choose you over my idol crushes" i tried to reassure. he stops his rant and looks at me, as his ears turn red in embarrassment.

"we should probably head home" i say standing up and slinging my bag over my shoulder. "great you probably lost your crush on me" he says frowning. "gosh drama king, calm your ass down" i roll my eyes, and start to walk away, as yukhei follows not far behind like a lost puppy.

"23rd february will be always be a memorable day for me" yukhei mutters as we walk side by side. "me too" i say smiling from ear to ear. "and then the day i make you pissed off you'll remember it as the worst day of your life..." he says in a airy voice. "i don't really get pissed off easily, unless you insult minho, i might throw you out the window" i threatened.

"wow...i'll watch my mouth"

"you better"


"anyways, we are here, gn" i say as i start to head to the door. "are you just gonna walk over the fact you just threatened me?" he says. "sorry..." i say laughing. "this was an exhausting and tiring day alright" he says reciprocating the smile on my face. "i'll probably keep my mouth shut about this"

"you're gonna keep it a secret" he asks. "last thing i want is my friends yelling and screeching about it when they come and my parents finding out" i say making both of us laugh. "alright, um, bye" i say running to my house. i look back once more before entering, yukhei lifted his hand to wave, but i didn't return it instead i shut the door and ran to my room.

the smile didn't leave my face the whole night, he.. wow. giggling over the memory from a few minutes ago, i spraw out like a star on my bed sighing contently. my first crush like me back!!

is this a dream?! am i tripping... gosh, what have you done to me yukhei... thinking of yukhei i fall asleep, my heart content.



THE NOTE || w.ykOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz