t w e n t y

13 3 8

4th april ; jealousy.

after being sick for the past few days, i was finally attending school today. i glance at my watch, 6 30 it reads, i was standing in-front of my front door, trying to function. reality hits me as i sigh and start walking out my driveway, slowly making my way to school, as the spring wind hits my face, the sun shining brightly as summer was nearing.

my peaceful walk was interrupted by a voice that i have come to love, "haewon" he screams, jogging up to me. exaggerating he exhales and pretends to be out of breath, as i squint my eyes and continue walking. "i thought you wouldn't be going today either?" he asks, fixing his composure from his foolish act. "well, i'm feeling better than ever and i missed enough" i reason out, before running away, not really running sprinted towards school. laughing yukhei sprints after me, for a tall guy he seems slower than me.

"hah, slow!" i wheeze as i stop at the school gates, playfully he glares at me. taking my hand, he walks into the school, a faint pink hue paints across my cheeks. i look at side profile what did i really do to deserve this? i think to myself. he drops me off at my class and quickly runs off, seeing that my friends and class teacher had seen him.

the rest of the day was basic old, studying, recess and then we had hpe right after interval. me and yukhei knew eachothers schedule, i knew he had a computer class during my hpe, to get to the lab you have to go past the yard so the chances of running into him was very high.

once making it to the yard, i wanted to refill my water bottle as i gulped it all after interval. running to the nearest water cooler, which was consequently near a staircase. i see some 10th graders running down, paying no attention i continue filling my water bottle. "hey!" someone taps my shoulder making me jump in shock, spilling a bit of my water. "holy shit!" i exclaim, making yukhei laugh. "bye now, just wanted you to acknowledge i was near, its your health class right? play well!" he says patting my head before walking off.

feeling a bit giddy about the interaction, i walk back to the rest of my class. honestly, i wasn't in the mood to play today, like any usual day i grabbed a tennis ball from the ball bin at the yard, bouncing it against the hard floor.  i walk around a bit, stop by a wall, watching my other classmates play. getting a bit bored, i play some football with asuna, but that got boring.

the teacher joined playing catch with me, as he saw me alone. i was bit of an outcast in school, my 'friends' group was doing their own thing. after a few minutes of playing catch with a tennis ball, with my hpe teacher. one of my good friends, i don't seem to talk a lot about joined me. we both became friends back in 7th grade during hpe, how ironic. his name is taemin and we have a-lot in common, like for example our liking towards the multiplayer game, roblox.

we both continue playing, joking around and talking about random stuff like works i had missed the last couple of days. he was a lot of help when it comes to absent works, it was kind of both ways, when i miss school he sends my works and when he misses school i send him his works. great friendship if you ask me.

the bell rings, as the long and fun? hpe class come to an end, everyone runs to retreat their water bottles, as we all run towards the stairs. i take my time, walking while drinking water, taemin by my side talking about some english work. "...the email has to be between 160-200 words, i'll give you my book to copy down the question" he says as i nod in acknowledging the information. as if on purpose, yukhei, walks out of the lab, talking to his friend.

we make eye contact and he smiles at me, then his eyes flicker to the taller guy next to me. a short gasp comes from taemin as he whispers "is he your boyfriend, you told about?". i nod a bit, still looking at yukhei, who was glaring at taemin. "well im off now, bye haewon, see you in class" the poor guy gulps running off. yukhei looks at me before leaning in and saying "we will talk after school" his voice dripping venom. i look at him a bit confused before walking towards the stairs and walking away.

the rest of the day, i couldn't stop thinking about how angry yukhei sounded. did i do something wrong? i think to myself, nervously nibbling on my nails. "hey, haewon, are you alright?" a worried hyun-joo asks, "hm? yeah" i say giving her a trustable smile, she nods, returning to talk to the rest. maybe i should become an actor, no one knows or could tell how i actually feel, ironic.

the clock hits 12 10 and the teacher dismisses us, the time i been dreading finally had come. i shrug my bag on, leaving the class, and rushing down the stairs, the rest of the world non-existent. once i made to the compound, i silently looked around, once spotting yukhei i was looking for, i walk over to him, slightly nervous. he glances at me, kind of glaring before gesturing to start walking.

the walk was pretty silent, which was very unusual for both of us, or at-least for me it was. the walk felt shorter than before too, my heart didn't seem to stop racing, and my palms were sweating. we reached my house in a short amount of time, i look at the guy next to me, his eyes seemed to be filled with rage and confusion.

"haewon, i think we should break up" he breathes, i stand there slightly confused, processing what he said, once it registered my brain, it felt like my heart's been broken and crushed into small particles. "what?" i say, as my eyes tear up, "why?" i look at him straight in the eyes. he seemed strangely as hurt as i was, "i don't think we are working out" he sighs, looking away. "what do you mean—" i was cut off by him, "i don't think i like you anymore so we are done, end of discussion, we can ignore each other, as if we never knew each other and live our lives!" he says turning on his heal and leaving me in tears.

slowly dragging my feet i walk to my house, entering the house, my eyes blurring with tears as my heart didn't seemed to beat. i walk silently to my room, shutting the door and leaning against it, i slid down as tears seemed to non stop flow from my eyes. a strangled sob leaves my mouth, as i sit in my school uniform unbothered to change, crying my heart out.


dw guys, i won't disappoint y'all and leave y'all hanging for another decade.

fuck school! its starting next week and im here crying in my room (que : cupid)

p.s. taemin ain't the idol nor is haewon, non of the names in the story r ment to be the idols excpet yukhei. :)

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