The Beginning of The End

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The beautiful architecture and landscaping of the gardens of Malfoy Manor, couldn't keep Lucius Malfoy's mind off of the dark remains of his past. He had felt the guilt and shame of his actions loom over him even before Narcissa left, now with her being gone they only seemed to worsen. Draco came and visited when he could, though that wasn't often. The Manor, once full with parties and beautiful music with a charming liveliness to it, now felt dead and cold. He even began to miss the dreary, empty feeling the Manor would get when it was inhabited by Death Eaters; because, at least, then people were around.

Lucius knew it was his own fault of course, he had tried blaming anyone and anything besides himself, to no avail. After everything had been stripped away, all he had left was the truth; that he was to blame for it all. He roamed the halls for a bit more, stopping to admire the pictures of his ex-wife and himself when they were young and in love, that still laid on the walls. He wanted to remove them, yet every time he tried he would end up placing them back in their respectful spots. Being alone constantly made him cling to memories, though not necessarily good ones all the time, it was one of the few things he had left; his memories.

Turning the corner to his impressive library, Lucius opened the door immediately slamming it behind him. This was what usually came after the longing; bitterness. His hands went for the firewhiskey he kept on the side table by the couch. He plopped himself on to it, bottle in hand while watching the fire dancing in the fireplace before him. This was the only room in the house that has a semblance of warmth to it. This was his safe place. He began to bring the bottle to his lips, before he was started by a ringing sound coming from the phone Draco had installed.

"Hello?" Lucius asked picking up the phone, not used to using it yet and not expecting someone to call.

"Hi, is this Lucius Malfoy? Draco's dad?" A young woman's voice came through the phone, sounding desperate.

"Yes, it is. May I ask who is calling?"

"Oh, I'm so sorry." She paused on the phone for a brief moment, "This is Adelaide Snape, I'm Draco's friend. He has gotten himself into some trouble again." She sounded irritated. Like this has happened often in the past. Draco had also lost himself after the war, blaming Lucius for all of it, and he was right to.

"Do I need to come down there?" Lucius asked, not very intrigued by the conversation but he was trying to do better by Draco, he wanted to be a better father.

"Yes, I'm sure he would appreciate the help in packing his shit, since he got us kicked out of our flat..." She paused again, taking a deep breathe, Lucius chuckling at her language, the first time he's felt anything humorous in a long time. "I'm sorry, this is not your fault and I don't mean to take it out on you, I'm just a little frustrated is all."

"I will be there in just a moment, try not to kill him before I arrive Ms. Snape" Lucius said hanging up the phone, not even allowing time to respond. His floo system was connected to their flat for when Draco visited, he knew he could use that and be over there decently quickly.


A green flash came through Adelaide and Draco's flat, after a wave of black smoke cleared out stepped Lucius Malfoy. Adelaide heard the crash and went to see what had happened, before her stood Lucius. His tall figure had become more toned after the events of the war, his black button up shirt clinging to the muscles that laid underneath, his grey blue eyes were piercing into hers while she admired him. He had light stubble on his strong jawline, with dark bags under his eyes like he hadn't gotten good rest in a long time.

"I'm Lucius Malfoy, we spoke over the phone." His words interrupted her thoughts, snapping her back into reality.

"Right, hi. Sorry. I'll show you to Draco's room." Her voice spoke while Lucius took in the sight in front of him. She had those same dark eyes as an old friend of Lucius' and that's when he remembered her last name. He paused behind her.

"Snape?" He said gaining her full attention as she stopped and turned to face him. She has classically beautiful features, dark brown hair that fell in the middle of her back, matching the color of her eyes. "Is that any relation to Severus Snape?"

"Yeah, he's my dad." She said genuinely smiling, " He'll be so thrilled to hear I have to move back home." She was being sarcastic and Lucius could tell.

"You could move to the Manor with Draco and I, there is plenty of space. It would be just like living on your own." Lucius shrugged, not believing the words that just came out of his own mouth.

"Oh, no. I don't want to be an inconvenience." She said while turning her back on him again, leading the way to Draco's room.

"No, I insist. It would be no problem at all."

"Thank you Mr. Malfoy. I appreciate the gesture. I promise I will think about it." She turned and smiled to him, an actual genuine smile.

Draco's door swung open, revealing a less than happy Draco.

"You called my dad Ade?" He said while turning his attention to Adelaide and then back to Lucius.

"Yes, she did son. Now, pack your things, you're coming home for a while, since you could not behave yourself in the flat on your own." Lucius' eyes had a dark intensity to them, letting Draco know just how serious he was.

"Only if Adelaide can come to." Draco protested.

"The offer was already given to Ms. Snape, I assure you." Lucius said looking at Adelaide, he was shocked to see a blush spread across her cheeks.

"Just let me finish packing Mr. Malfoy. I'll meet you two out in the living room." She quickly moved out of Draco's room.


It was not long before the pair had their entire flat packed up and minimized by the use of magic into just a couple suitcases each. For the last time they used their floo, Adelaide taking a last look at their apartment, feeling her freedom being taken from her. She was upset with Draco, but at the end of the day he was her best friend and probably her only real friend after the events of the war. She also knew at any time she could move back home with her father if she felt the need. That thought alone was enough to comfort her for the time being.

And just like that, in a flash, they appeared in Malfoy Manor.


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