Are you with me?

12 1 0

(trigger warning for self harm and blood)


We come into the world worse for the wear,

but the wars of our fathers are not ours to bear


Adelaide spent her time cleaning up the small home in Spinner's End, taking the time to dust off shelves and photo frames after she had sent an Owl to her father, letting him know of her location. She wanted to write to Draco but her letters had gone unanswered for a week now, she needed to make sure he was okay after the last time she had seen him. She spent most of her time worrying; worrying for Draco, worrying for Sirius, worrying for Lucius, but most of all worrying whether any decision she made was the right one. Adelaide decided she would go to the Manor to see Draco, hopefully avoiding Lucius at all costs. 

In just a short spell of apparation she appeared at the gates of the Manor, watching as the rusty gates began to open for her, walking inside of them quickly. As she made her way to the front door, she began to have second thoughts but ultimately she brought her legs to continue to move in front of her. The door swung open, thankfully from magic and not someone behind it, she moved carefully through the Manor, walking up the stairs quickly. 

"Draco," She knocked on his bedroom door, hearing crying coming from the other side of the door, "Please let me in," Adelaide entered the room, using an unlocking charm, too nervous to wait for his permission. What she saw terrified her.

Draco sat on his bed, his forearm bloody from him trying to cut out his dark mark, a silver dagger covered with blood as the dark mark still pulsed as was darker than Adelaide had ever seen it. Her eyes opened widely as she ran over to him, grabbing the dagger from out of his hands and tossing it to the side of the room. She ripped a piece of one of Draco's tshirts tying it tightly around his arm. 

"Dray, oh love," She whispered as his eyes finally met her own.

"I don't want to be a part of them anymore Ade, please. I do not want this war." Draco looked at her through tear filled eyes, "I can't do this." Draco whispered.

"They're not back Draco, they're not back." She tried to assure him, reaching for her wand to clean up some of his blood and untied the small bloodied torn shirt as she began trying to heal his arm, thankfully for Draco, she was quite gifted at healing charms. 

"Voldemort is back Ade, he is." Draco saying his name sent a chill down Adelaide's spine, she knew in that moment he was telling her the truth as fear flooded her. 

"Then come with me, you do not have to do this. You can hide, you can go to your mothers', Draco your father's allegiances are not your own, please. I'll go with you."  Her tears now matched his own, streaming down both of their cheeks.

"Adelaide, I can't leav-"

"Yes, yes you can Draco. I will help you, please, I would follow you anywhere to keep you safe." Adelaide's voice was barely above a whisper, not wanting Lucius to possibly hear her, "We can go to Grimmauld Place, the order can protect you Draco, I will write to your mother and she can come as well. Please."

"Thank you," Draco clutched on to her, hugging her while leaning against her shoulder, his breath fanning her neck.

"Hurry, get some things together." 

The pair began to pack Draco's necessities, putting them all into Adelaide's purse under the undetectable extension charm, she was practically dragging him down the stairs as she saw bright blonde hair in the corner of her eye, Lucius.

"Adelaide, my dear, did you come to a decision?"

"I can't talk right now Lucius, I'm sorry we are late for lunch." Adelaide rushed her sentence, pushing Draco out of the front door as she whipped out her wand, hoping Draco would not question her right now and thankfully he did not. He just held on to her arm tightly as they appeared in front of Grimmauld Place. 


Lucius tried to enter Adelaide's mind, to try to talk to her, but he seemed to be completely blocked out. If she had come to her decision, it seemed that it was not him. He picked up a piece of parchment as he walked into his study, settling at his desk before picking up a quill.

Dearest Adelaide,

If you have come to a decision, even if you feel it will not be what I want to hear, I would like to know if you would be so kind. I know I have done things that have hurt you, and even caused harm to those you care about. But I beg of you to think of the life we could share together, the life you always wanted. I could be a better man for you Adelaide, I would do anything to prove it to you. All I ask is for a chance, I have not been able to keep you off my mind since the day you left. You are my every waking thought, my love. When I am having a dark moment, I think of your face lit by the candlelight in the library, your nose in a book as you sat with a blanket around you, my blanket; I watch your eyes as you scan the pages, and it is a sight for sore eyes. You have me enamored and mesmerized, I lie awake at night waiting for the feeling of your soft lips pressed against mine once more. To be able to hold you in my arms once more, would mean the world and more to me, to be able to look down at my chest and see your silky brown hair cascade around your face while I brush it away to look at you.

I know that I cannot rush you, or change your mind. I have promised you I would wait for you even if it took ten years, and I do wholeheartedly mean that. For you, my love, I would wait a thousand lifetimes.

Yours incontrovertibly,

Lucius Abraxas Malfoy

He had hoped the letter would find her well, and possibly if he could, change her mind and give him another chance. He wanted to prove to her that he was worthy of that, he knew if he had one more chance he would do everything right and never leave her side. He would never let anything hurt her, he would do anything to have her in his arms once more. He wanted to hear her knocking at his door, just so he could see her face once more, then he could die a happy man. 

He loved her, he knew that now. After months of trying to deny falling for the young witch, he had fallen madly and deeply in love with her. A kind of love he had only felt once in his life, early into his marriage to Narcissa, and then it was only 1/10 of what he feels for Adelaide. 


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