Settling In

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Lucius could not help but feel terrible leaving her all alone in her room that night, he wanted with everything in him to stay with her that night. To feel her warmth radiating off of her body, to hold her tightly in his arms. But he did not, he walked into his own room, leaving her to sleep peacefully. He did not think he could comprehend any feelings for any woman other than Narcissa; he was truly, madly and deeply in love with her. It took a rather large piece of him when she left, he knew he had put her through entirely too much and did too little to help their family. He was not shocked when she left, and he could remember the day she left as if it had just happened yesterday.

He sunk into his bed, that night he fell asleep peacefully to the sound of a muggle song he had heard Adelaide play.

"Always ends in a hazy shower scene, nothing's going to hurt you baby. As long as you're with me, you'll be just fine..."


The next morning when Lucius awoke, it was still dark outside. The sun hidden behind layers of clouds that were darkening the sky. It reminded him of that lonesome feeling, the dark thoughts come rolling back like a wicked thunderstorm. It was not until he heard a knock at the door, he remembered he was not alone anymore.

"Come in," Lucius offered, unlocking the door with a swift movement of his hand.

"Good morning Lucius, I wanted to thank you for bringing me to my room last night. That was very kind of you." Adelaide walked into the room while she spoke.

The smell of Mahogany and Teakwood candles, along with a subtle note of vanilla filled the room. It made the room have a comforting feeling about it, a warmth that sucked you in. The walls were filled with books, old rare looking books; along with a singular picture on a book shelf of Lucius and Draco when he was just a baby. It brought a smile to Adelaide's face as she saw the picture move, Lucius bouncing baby Draco in his arms.

"It was no problem at all Adelaide. It was my pleasure." He truly meant that; it was his absolute pleasure to hold the beautiful witch in his arms, to feel her warmth even for just a moment. Even if it would never happen again.

She showed her a sincere smile whilst still wandering around his massive room, noticing how his bedsheet corners were tucked in just like hers, she had never figured him for someone who would take much pleasure in the simple things like tucked corners. It made him appeal more human to her, it made her realize he could not have been much different than herself. She walked back over to the bookcase that stood pressed against the wall in front of the bed as Lucius watched her. He had not had someone in his personal quarters in years and seeing her take the room in with such grace was a beautiful sight to him. While neither of them spoke, there was an easy sense about it. His eyes met hers as she looked back at him, seeing him tie his hair up with a simple black bow and the sight was just enough to almost bring her to her knees. He looked like a god in front of her as he stood buttoning up an emerald green dress shirt, tucking the bottom into his freshly pressed black trousers. She brought her hand to her cheek, pushing her hair behind her ear as she watched him, a blush falling over her cheeks.

"It is not polite to stare." Lucius chuckled out as he watched her, he felt that same fluttering in his chest as her eyes turned up a bit at the corners, a small grin playing on her face. He grabbed a belt from his wardrobe, aligning it through the loops as she kept her eyes trained on his hands, watching the veins become more pronounced as he tightened the belt around his waist. She adverted her eyes as he looked back up at her.

"I will see you in the dining room for breakfast Lucius." She went to turn out of the room before he caught her hand in his, pulling her back into the room.

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