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As everyone got more comfortable in the Manor after a few months; and eventually with Astoria moving in to be with Draco as well; it felt whole again. The Manor felt alive again, the darkness finally subsiding, even the dark thoughts that used to be a part of Lucius' everyday life. Adelaide had been doing very well at Hogwarts, earning her compliments from Headmaster McGonagall. Lucius and Adelaide had been spending almost all of their free time together; whether it was reading with one another, or Lucius helping her with new potions, or even just talking about their past. Draco had seemingly caught on to what was going on, even questioning Adelaide a month back about it. To Adelaide's credit, she never lied, there was nothing going on between the pair. She did however, admit to having strong feelings for the senor Malfoy, not wanting to lie to her best friend.

"Nothing is going on Draco, I promise you." Adelaide said as she sat at her desk in her office, grading papers.

"You just spend so much time together Ade." Draco took the seat across from her, moving her papers so she could focus on them talking, earning a sigh of frustration from Adelaide.

"I enjoy spending time with him Dray. You're always busy with Astoria, and I'm not jealous I think she is a lovely girl and actually puts up with your shit quite well, but it has brought Lucius and I pretty close." She admitted as she grabbed the papers and went back to grading with a red quill.

"Ade," Draco snatched the papers out of her hand, "I see the way you look at him." He looked as if he was going to cry, and for the first time Adelaide felt terrible about what she was about to say.

"I'm not going to lie to you, I do have feelings for him." She paused, rubbing small circles on her temples before continuing, "But nothing has ever come of it, and he surely does not feel the same way."

Draco handed the papers back to Adelaide, turning to walk out of her office.

"I just think that he has been hurt enough." Draco said quietly, barely to where Adelaide could even hear him. He shut the door behind him, leaving her alone with her thoughts. Until she decided to go the one person she knew she could talk to about anything, her father.

"Come in my sweet girl." Severus called from his own office, after hearing Adelaide knock at the door, "What is wrong my love?" He asked when she walked in, immediately sinking down into the worn black leather sofa by his desk, her father coming and taking a seat by her.

"Dad, what would you do if you had feelings for someone, intense feelings, but you knew it could possibly hurt someone else?" She said with her head in her hands, visibly upset.

"I had loved one person in my lifetime, besides you," He spoke while bringing her into his chest, rubbing her hair, "Your mother was the love of my life, and I almost did not have her because of the fact that I did not speak up about my feelings, and even then I lost her because I was afraid. Never be afraid of love, darling. Never. Love is what we need to get through the darkest times. When your mother left me alone with you to be with him, I nearly lost myself, until a good friend reminded me I needed to step up and care for my child. You were all I had in this world, and had I not been afraid, she would still be here. She could have still been with us, my sweet Lily." He glanced at the picture on his desk, Lily and Severus holding two month old Adelaide as Severus kissed her cheek. Severus did not like to get emotional, but he was the reason she died, he had not done enough to protect her, and Merlin knows Dumbledore did not.

"I just don't know dad." Adelaide whispered into his chest, not moving to speak.

"Take some time until Yule to think about it, but do not make the same mistakes I did, Addey. If you love someone, you need to tell them."

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