Second Chances

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*the story will take place in three point of views. Regular= Adelaide, Italicized = Narrator (will be revealed in the end), Underlined= Lucius*


Moving into Malfoy Manor was not as scary as Draco had made it seem. The layout of the house, if you could even call it that, was incredible. Just like Lucius had said, there was more than enough space. Lucius had allowed me to pick my own room, which unbeknownst to me at the time, I happened to pick the one just across the hall from his own room. I had just begun unpacking my things when I heard a knock at the door, Draco was not really one to knock before entering, so I went to open the door and there before me was Lucius Malfoy, still in the same black button up shirt and well fitted black trousers.

"I was merely coming to see if you needed any help unpacking." He offered a light smile, the corners of his mouth barely coming up. I had heard some stories from Draco about his father and none of them really being quite good, but I think everyone deserves a second chance in life, I know my own dad did. 

"I'd appreciate that very much, thank you Mr. Malfoy." I moved to the side of the door, allowing him entrance to the room, "I apologize for the mess Mr. Malfoy, I have quite a lot to unpack."

"It is no trouble at all my dear," He spoke while moving to the deep walk in wardrobe, beginning to unpack the clothing items, hanging each one with delicate care I had never seen a man possess, "Also," His voice rang, "You can call me Lucius if you would like."

"Okay, Lucius." I give him a smile and get to putting together my bedding, laying down the dark emerald green sheets, making sure to tuck each corner before placing the huge white comforter on top, arranging all of my decorative pillows and throw blankets. Along with a single teddy bear, the only thing I have left of my mother. 

My door swung open yet again, this time it was Draco who flung himself on to my bed, making himself comfortable with a blanket. 

"Already putting him to work, eh Ade?" Draco chuckled, sitting up on the bed to get a better view of his father helping me unpack.

"I offered my help son, as any man should." He raised an eyebrow at Draco, silently signaling for him to get off of the bed and help.

"Father, it is simply not my fault that Ade has to keep everything she has every purchased." He swung his legs reluctantly off of the bed, moving to the bathroom and unpacking all of my essentials. 

Seeing how Draco actually listened to his father without him having to even really tell him anything made me laugh, it was a comical sight to see from someone who valued themselves over anyone and everyone else. 


Eventually the three of us got the entire room unpacked, Draco leaving to go to sleep using the excuse that I had worn him out with putting away from shower products.

"No one needs that much conditioner Ade," He said while walking out of my room, leaving the door open behind him.

"You do if you want to have good hair Draco, even your father has better hair than you." I spat back laughing with Lucius, who had offered to make us something to eat before Draco decided to retire to bed.

"Did you want something Adelaide, I know I am starved, you must be too." He began to walk out of my room, turning around to face me while he spoke.

"Thank you Lucius, I would love something to eat." 

I followed him downstairs to the kitchen, figuring we would have a light snack.

"Have you ever made handmade pasta? Or, uh, I am sorry would you even like pasta? It has been a while since I have had to cook for anyone but myself." He flicked the lights on in the kitchen with a flick of his wrist, giving me a better look at his stunning features. He was beautiful, though I knew that was something I needed to keep to myself, it is after all highly inappropriate.

"Yes Lucius thank you I would love some pasta, but no I have never made it hand made." I moved over closer to where he was in the kitchen. 

"Let me show you how, it won't take much time."

We spent the next thirty minutes or so making the pasta together, getting to know each other a little better. After seeing the side I saw of him tonight, it made me realize exactly how important second chances are. They have the ability to completely turn someone's life around, and for Lucius and my father it seemed to work in their favor, and I only hope that the ones I love would be willing to look past things I've done for me. He really was not a bad guy when you got the chance to talk to him. Was he a little intimidating? Sure, but once you broke past that first little layer he wasn't so bad. 

After we ate, we spent some time cleaning up the kitchen before heading off to bed. We got to our respective rooms, of course it being a little awkward that they were right across from one another. 

"Thank you again Lucius, for everything. You are a gracious host." I turned the handle to my room, slightly opening the door. Yet, he did not move an inch. 

"You do not need to thank me Adelaide, I have a lot of making up to do in my lifetime and I hope you will ask me for any help you might need." He embraced me in a hug, pulling me closer to him, sending a little shock to me. Almost like he sensed my thoughts he pulled away, turning away quickly and entering his room slamming the door behind him. 

I entered quickly into my own room, taking a quick shower and getting into my bed. Ready to sleep off that awkward encounter. I was sure that tomorrow would be much better.


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