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*explicit content*

Adelaide stayed close to Lucius for the rest of the night, neither wanted their special moment to end. If it had been up to Lucius, he would have kept her exactly where she was. He knew that he was not the right person for her, he knew eventually he would mess up again; that was what he did. But to Adelaide, she was scared she would hurt him, that she would leave him in the same way that her mother had left her father, or even worse how Narcissa left Lucius. She did not want to cause him more pain, after everything he had been through. She was able to acknowledge that it was his own fault, but that was not the Lucius Malfoy she knew. She met the man who cared deeply about his son, the man who invited her into his home, the man who made her fall for him.

"Come darling. Let's get you to bed." Lucius said, regretting it just as soon as it came out of his mouth. She simply grabbed his hand, pulling him back to the couch with her and sitting firmly on his lap.

"Just give me tonight Lucius." She offered, her hands on his strong shoulders, "Just tonight, then I will let you go."

"I do not wish for you to." Lucius stroked her cheek gently while he spoke to her, his voice sending heavenly in her ears.

"We must." With her words he pressed his lips against hers, trying to convey to her that they can make it work, they can together. She kissed him back hungrily, feeling as though heaven was the room they were in. She knew that if she took it further she would take back her words, but she could not stop herself. It was like he had enchanted her, his hands moving on her clouding her head. His hands continued roughly on her body, grabbing anywhere he could as he bit at her lower lip, almost as if asking for permission, and she granted it causing  groan to escape from Lucius' mouth as she ground her hips against him.

"If we start, we will not be able to stop my love." Lucius whispered as his hands moved to her hips rubbing them as she threw her head back, allowing his lips to crash against her neck.

"I do not want to stop," She managed to mutter out between moans as he lightly sucked on her neck, his tongue licking over the damaged areas. She moved her hands down to his chest, undoing the buttons as quickly as she could, like she would change her mind if she slowed down. He pulled her sweater off over her head, quickly undoing the clasp of her bra with one hand while the other flipped her over so he was on top of her, pulling his own shirt off. He stopped to look at her, sucking in a deep breath while he looked at her and her bare chest under him. The cold air in the room causing her nipples to harden quickly.

"I have never believed in God until the moment right now, you are God." He said while bringing his hands down her chest, leaving small goosebumps like a trail of where he had touched. "You are my religion." He said quickly before moving his mouth down to her right breast, lightly sucking and nipping at her nipple. The beautiful witch moaning under him as his hand went between her legs, spreading them while his mouth moved to her left breast. He pulled her skirt off with a quick motion, his fingers returning quickly to her center as he felt her though her panties, feeling the arousal seeping through them. Adelaide moaned again as Lucius' finger made contact with her clit, he moved his mouth back to hers, kissing her roughly until he slid his way down her body, making sure to leave purple marks from his mouth in his wake.

His mouth finally got to where she wanted it, he teased her by lightly kissing her clit through her panties, before hooking them around his fingers and pulling them down harshly. His tongue sliding up from her entrance to the most sensitive spot of her. Licking small circles around her clit as she arched her back under him, she felt like she was on fire as he pushed two fingers inside of her, the sound of her moans filling the room.

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