The First Official Day

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The first official day at Malfoy Manor, was an interesting experience for everyone. For Lucius, it was an odd feeling having company back in the lonesome manor. He now had people's laughter in the background of his day. He could hear Adelaide singing in her shower from her room while she played her muggle music. Ordinarily, this would have bothered Lucius, muggle music being played in his Pureblood family home, for some reason he could not yet quite put his finger on, it comforted him to hear her so comfortable in his home. Forgetting for just a mere moment that his son was also in the same house. Lucius climbed out of bed, and for once didn't feel shame for actually waking up. His dark thoughts had subsided, for now, and that was a good feeling in itself. Lucius took time making the bed that day, carefully tucking the corners just in the same way that Adelaide was doing in the room across the hall, though neither of them knew it.

Adelaide was busy, dancing around her room with her towels still on, when she noticed she too could hear music coming from Lucius' room. A faint sound of classical music moved to her room, as she laughed to herself that he could be so normal. She had decided last night that his hug was just a want of human contact and that she did not mind it, because she understood too how it felt to be touch depraved. Growing up without a mother, and having a father who was constantly busy with work or other things that Adelaide did not like to think about. Adelaide got dressed slipping into some black trousers and a comfy maroon cable knit sweater.

Meanwhile, across the floor Draco was still asleep.

Lucius got dressed into his usual apparel, nothing different. Just plain black trousers and a black button up shirt.


Both Adelaide and Lucius made their way into the foyer of the Manor, Lucius heading into the dining room for breakfast while Adelaide followed.

"I would like to apologize to you Adelaide, I did not mean to make you uncomfortable last night. That was highly inapprop-" She broke off his sentence in a manner so shocking to him, she wrapped her arms around him and enveloped him in a warm hug.

"No need to apologize Lucius, we all need a little comfort sometimes." She smiled up at him, walking to a seat at the table. He watched her; the way she walked, the way her dark brown hair looked like silk as it fell down hair back, the little "S" tattoo she had tattooed on the outside of her right wrist. He knew he could never admit it out loud, but she was the most beautiful creature he had ever seen.

Draco sauntered into the dining room behind them, not mumbling a word to either of them. Just reaching over to pour himself some coffee.

"Good morning Dray," Adelaide spoke in a sing songy voice, the corners of her mouth fulling turning up into a smile. Her teeth a perfect shade of white as she giggled.

"It is nice to see you this morning Draco." Lucius said while sipping his tea, ironically enough he drank it the same way as Adelaide, a lemon and two sugars. Neither of them knew that either.

"Both of you know very well that I am not a morning person. I simply came down to be polite, but I am too hungover to sit at this table right now."

Another thing neither of them knew, Draco had gotten into Lucius' firewhiskey supply last night, apparently too much of it as well.

"Well, at least I have you for company my dear." Lucius raised his tea at Adelaide, as she did the same a small smile crept on to both of their faces. A blush appeared on Lucius' face as he quickly looked down. Both of them returning to their breakfast.


Adelaide went to go find Draco as some house elves cleaned up from breakfast. Lucius, turning in the other direction heading to his library. Adelaide found Draco in his room, in swimming trunks.

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