As the World Caves in

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(just a quick note, some beloved and not so beloved characters will not have died in this story)


Lucius had never intended on falling for the young witch, but with her lying so peacefully in his arms, he felt that unusual twinge in his heart, tugging at it. She looked goddess-like to him as her chest rose and fell with each breath, the smell of vanilla coming from her hair filling his nostrils. Her skin was a flawless porcelain white, not an imperfect to be seen. He traced the small S tattoo on her wrist as he laid under her, not being able to fall asleep. He wished with everything in him to keep her by his side, being able to touch her drove him over the edge, she was like a drug to the old wizard. 

He laid his head gently against hers, as he felt a sensation he had not in years, his forearm burning and pulsing. He moved off of her quickly, setting her down in the bed alone, gently pulling the blanket over her naked body. Watching as she made herself more comfortable, still deep in sleep. He dressed quickly, using his wand to speed along the process. Lucius rushed out of the room, turning downstairs to go to his study, finding Draco on the foyer, clutching on his forearm as well. 

"He's back." Draco was the first to say anything, Lucius just nodding at him. The two shared a moment of peace before a sea of death eaters came through the floo of the manor. Lucius' mind wandered to the sleeping witch upstairs, hoping she would not awake while they were there. Draco was hoping the same, concerned not only for his girlfriend but also his best friend. Draco looked at the floor while the remaining death eaters trickled in, he watched Voldemort die, he knew he should not have been able to return but when Draco lifted his eyes he was met with the gaze of Voldemort's cold stare. 

"Welcome back my loyal death eaters." His voice boomed throughout the foyer of the Manor. "We have much unfinished business to attend."

The meeting seemed to drag for hours, discussing Harry Potter, Voldemort wanting to end his life as soon as possible. Lucius and Draco shared sad looks when they looked up from the table, after Voldemort dismissed them it was just the father and son that sat still at the table. There were no words that could have been spoken in that moment, nothing could have eased either of their minds. It was going to happen again, another war. Trying to flee would have been useless, they knew that. Voldemort would have found them anywhere they could try to hide, their fate would have been worse than death if they had tried. Draco was the first to leave the table, Lucius thinking he was going to check on Astoria, but his son walked past his own bedroom, walking to Adelaide's. Lucius knew he would not tell her what had happened, the Malfoy patriarch knew better than anyone the comfort she could bring without even knowing the reason comfort was needed. 

A knock sounded on Adelaide's door, awaking her from her deep sleep. She groaned as she got out of the bed, feeling rather sore as she slipped on some silk pajamas; the shorts matching the buttoned up short sleeve top. She opened the door seeing Draco in tears in front of her, without saying a word she rushed into his arms, wrapping her own around him as his face fell into the crook of her neck. 

"Oh Dray," She whispered against his head, his tears soaking into her shoulder, she brought a hand to rub his back lightly. "It'll be alright, love." 

He held on to her tightly as she spoke, his sobs echoing throughout the hallway. Lucius was in the front of the hallway, his heart breaking as he watched his only child clutch on to her so tightly, her head tilted down as she shut her eyes. Neither of them let go as Draco cried his heart out on his best friends' shoulder. Lucius retreated down the hallway, heading to his study. He knew Draco needed Adelaide even more than Lucius did. 

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