Hold On

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Hold on when your weary thoughts they get too much to take

Hold on when your mind goes to that deepest darkest place


Adelaide and Draco appeared in the doorway leading to Grimmauld Place, Draco clutching on to her tightly, his eyes swollen from crying.

"I promise you one day, you will find your peace." Adelaide whispered to him as she knocked on the front door, Kreacher appearing in front of them, moving to the side to allow them inside. 

"Sirius?" Adelaide called, hoping he would be home, and also hoping he would not mind her bringing Draco here. Draco legs wobbled as she walked into the living room with him by her side, "Just hold on to my embrace," She spoke to him before setting him on the couch, watching as he furiously itched at his scarred and wounded dark mark, "No, my darling," She moved his hand to his side, "Do not do that my love." She said giving him a sad smile, her attention now fulling on Draco.

"Adelaide? You came back." Sirius announced as he entered the room, not yet seeing Draco by her side until she turned to face him, her arm instinctively wrapping around her best friend.

"Draco Malfoy? Are you alright son?" Sirius gave Adelaide a smile as he made his way in front of Draco, sinking down to his knees to look the young wizard in the eye, seeing his pain reminded Sirius of a younger version of himself. Draco could not manage an answer as he looked at Sirius, more tears spilling on to his cheeks.

"He is going to kill me," Draco whispered to no one in particular.

"I will protect you, do not worry. You are safe here Draco." Sirius reaffirmed, putting his hand gently on Draco's knee, patting it trying to give him some comfort. "I once knew a boy like you, who had made the wrong decision and he finally saw the light, that boy was my brother. I will not let you meet the same fate as he. I promise you."

Adelaide's heart began to clench in her chest as she watched Sirius envelop Draco into a hug, trying to give the boy some ease. Sirius was a good man, and watching him with someone he would have considered his enemy at one point in time, made her realize how good of a man he really was. Adelaide wrapped one of her arms around Sirius and Draco, gaining her own sense of comfort from them, as Sirius' gaze moved to meet hers.

"He's back." She mouthed. Sirius simply nodded, attempting to move away from the Malfoy boy who just pulled him tighter. 

"I'll alert the order and write his mum." She mouthed again, Sirius struggling to read her lips.

"Narcissa?" He mouthed back, questioning as his arms stayed tightly wrapped around Draco in such a protective way. Adelaide nodded her head in response. 

"I'll be right back Draco, I am going to call your mother, just stay here with Sirius, he's got you." She whispered to Draco, allowing Sirius to take her seat, his arm wrapped around Draco as Draco struggled to contain his sorrows.

"There is a beauty in those tears son, let it out." Adelaide heard Sirius whisper to the boy as she walked into the kitchen, picking up the phone and dialing Narcissa's number. She had memorized it long ago, when she knew that Narcissa was someone she could trust.

"Hello?" Narcissa's calm voice answered the phone, Adelaide had to admit she had a sultry tone about her.

"Narcissa, it's Adelaide."

"Oh little love!" She exclaimed excitedly before her tone fell, "Draco is not hurt is he?"

"A bit, but I managed to heal it. We need you Narcissa." Adelaide paused, holding the phone to her shoulder as she managed to let out a shaky breath, regaining her composure, "He's back."

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