Our Bond 💕🍋

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Rui x Reader
(Instead of being a child, let's assume he's 18-20. This mf sounds like a whole snack ain't no way he's a kid 😭)
(Fixed some grammar issues)

His desire for an ever-growing family was strong. Several brothers and sisters, and a set of parents to go with the mix. Rui wasn't sure why he felt such the urge to share a bond with his family. He felt like he should remember things from before, but something was holding him back.

The sun would soon rise, and so he and his family would retire for the morning. Rui never felt tired, but it wouldn't hurt to have at least one quality of a human. His eyes started to drift shut, but then snapped back open.

They were screams; cries from a woman. Rui sniffed the air, but was met with the scent of demon. From outside the confines of the minka, your path was blocked. The demon slayers were hot on your trail, the wisteria in their hands making you sick.

"We've got you now, there's no where to run!"

All of them looked the same, and your eyes darted back and forth to each member. You didn't want to hurt anyone, truly. It was all a mistake. The one time you thought you were in control, you weren't. She was so small, so frail. At the wrong place and time. You hoped she didn't suffer as you—

"I-I didn't mean too! S-She just—!"

A wisteria flower was thrown in your direction. Even though it didn't touch you, nor was close enough, you still felt repulsed and threatened. Your stomach growled, but you refused to satiate the desires. Being this didn't feel powerful. Everything hurt, and felt wrong.

"Silence, demon! When my blade slashes through your neck, I'll parade your head—" He stopped mid-sentence, eyeing the man who stood on the roof of the minka. White skin, white hair, and a white garb. "Hey, there's another one!" The rest of the slayers wielded their blades, throwing their flowers onto the ground. You further shrank backwards, eyeing the sky. The sun would rise in a few minutes if something didn't happen.

"Hey, girl. What's your name?"

You looked up to the boy, feeling a sense of dread wash over your body. From a distance, you sensed his power. He was one of the twelve, you supposed.

"I...think my name is Y/N!"

Rui hummed, flexing his fingers. He liked your name. He liked how you looked. Although, he wasn't sure if he needed another sister. The ones he already had were plentiful enough. Maybe...

"I'll offer you a compromise, dear Y/N. Join my family, and I'll save you."

The words immediately fell out of your mouth, and that was all the confirmation Rui needed. Just like with his older sister, each of the demon slayers were diced like cubes. Their bodies fell in chunks, staining the lovely green grass red. You were speechless, and on the verge of breaking. What did joining his family mean? Would it—

Prepared to thank him, you weren't expecting several other demons to be sitting there watching. They looked like spiders. Each of them had white hair like the boy who saved you, and one of them had the literal body of a spider. Goosebumps started to form on your arms. You didn't like this. If you uttered his name, maybe you could be saved from whatever you were in store for.

"My name is Rui. Mother, father, sisters, brothers. We have a new addition to our family."

At the very right stood a small girl. She looked tormented, sad. But, she slowly smiled and clasped her hands together excitedly.

KNY M!Yandere x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now