Eternal Damnation 💜🍋

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Muzan x Reader
(3rd POV)
@Hon3bys 💜💜💜

The grass felt so soft beneath her bare feet. After eons being spent locked within the Infinity Castle, this was such an unheard of pleasure. For a moment, Y/N forgot her predicament. She knew she had to keep going, though.

At first, she never thought she would escape. Nakime would constantly change Y/N's location,
all due to Muzan's command. It was an opportunity the girl wouldn't let float away. As the mysterious biwa woman was distracted, busy with focusing on the current meeting, Y/N quickly snatched the biwa and thumped it.

Now, here she was, with cool grass tickling her heels. She broke out into a sprint, grateful that it was nightfall. Y/N was on the verge of panic. Muzan would freeze Hell all over if he couldn't find her. While it was true he would never, ever dare ponder on killing Y/N, he never hesitated to hand out strict punishments. They were always excruciatingly painful and humiliating.


That wasn't her Master. It sounded like Akaza, or it may have been Douma. Y/N would have preferred for it to be the first choice. Then, she heard more voices join him. Terror latched onto her heart, making it seize and thump erratically.

The moon was so bright. When was the last time she had ever laid eyes on it? Everything also looked incredibly different. Buildings had been torn down, and built to fit the current modern fashion. Y/N gawked at the structures, tearing up at how much she had missed. Her family would be long gone, she supposed.

A sickle flew past her head, narrowly missing her. It embedded itself into the trunk of a nearby tree, and then flew back to its owner like a boomerang. Y/N cried out, shielding herself from the onslaught of methods to stop her. Her feet carried her faster, snapping twigs like necks.

Multiple voices rang behind her, desperate to stop her escape. Y/N knew they'd all be punished if she wasn't caught, but why should she care? They didn't care for her; no one did. She had been kept as a personal plaything for hundreds of years, with no one stepping up to save her. Not even the demon slayers, who were said to be merciful, wanted to help her.

"Y/N, you need to stop! You're making this worse for yourself!" Akaza's voice rang out, echoing throughout the forest.

Then, the sun started to rise. How long had she been running, and them pursuing? Y/N showed no fear towards the ball of light, running straight towards the east. The forest ended, an abrupt cutoff from the vast field Y/N began to run into. The demons halted, and paused at the tree line.

"Wait, stop running! Are you an idiot?!" Douma screamed, his hand reaching out for Y/N. She was too far away, though.

"She truly believes death is more acceptable than being with our Master," Kokushibo began, holding his hand over his heart. It reminded him of the memories before his turning. "If she desires to perish, then so be it."

The four demons watched, true worry trickling up their spines. Muzan would never forgive them for letting his beloved wither away into nothingness. They almost prepared to walk into the sun, too.

Douma felt a sliver of emotion upon seeing Y/N cry out, her skin flaking away like paper. She kept pushing, though. As her body began to fall apart, the different pieces being set ablaze, the demons felt worthless. They themselves could never willingly walk into the sun, yet she could.

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