Pretty Face 🖤🍋

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Gyutaro x Reader
(3rd POV - aged up for obvious reasons, you get the gist)

"I've found the girl you've been looking for, onii-chan."

The room was dark, and Gyutaro was huddled in the corner. He spent most of his time being dormant, hidden in the darkness where no one could judge him. For a few years, he had a desire that needed to be fulfilled. So, he sent Daki to do his dirty work.

She was gorgeous, probably even more than his younger sister. Well, that was a few years ago. Both him and Daki were still incredibly young demons, albeit now grown up compared to when they transformed. Gyutaro remembered Y/N to be kind; a stark contrast compared to the other people of their district. Her face was a constant memory. The more he thought about Y/N, the more he wanted her.

His body cracked and popped as he finally moved, looking to his sister. She smirked knowingly. Daki was pleased to be of use to her older brother, finally hunting down the girl Gyutaro wanted.

"...Where is she?"

"Well...she joined my House and is quickly rising in the ranks to succeed me."

Gyutaro ground his teeth, and scratched his face. He didn't like that information. His Y/N from before would never do such a thing. Sure, she was beautiful, but-

"Relax, onii-chan! She's as pure as fresh snow; I've kept her away from all of the customers. The girl is desperate, you know."

He visibly relaxed, slouching back against the wall. The memories of her were kept behind a thick wall, but sometimes he liked to break it down to understand why she was so addicting in the first place.

"Take me to her, then."

Y/N roamed the halls of the House, stopping every once in a while to inspect her appearance. She needed money, badly. Even though the House provided her with the basics, there was more she wanted. If Y/N was to rise in status, she'd need more kimonos that were both beautiful and apart of the latest trend. At the moment, she was only given less than subpar hand-me-downs from past workers.

The one she wore now was made for someone of a smaller size. Around her bosom, the fine material was stretched too tightly. Any harsh movements, and the fabric was bound to rip right down the middle.

She didn't understand why she wasn't allowed to begin her work, but Y/N obeyed the Oiran's commands to keep her chastity. There must have been a decrease in demand for workers, but that was alright. At least Y/N had a warm roof over her head and food to eat.

"Hey, new girl!"

Her throat constricted seeing the Oiran outside of the room Y/N stayed in. She was extremely tall, and displayed the beauty that every young girl wanted. Something didn't feel right about this, though. It was no secret that the Oiran harbored a temper, and was very easily provoked.

Y/N quickly bowed, forcing a small smile to grace her lips.

"Good evening, Oiran...I-"

"-Hush, girl. I have your first customer waiting inside."


She nodded, frightening Y/N even further with her toothy smile. Her blood red lipstick was even more intimidating. With a wave of her hand, she gestured for Y/N to step inside.

KNY M!Yandere x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now