Sorrow 💕

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Upper Four Demon x Reader
@a_christmaswish 🤍🤍
(3rd POV)
*Fixed some grammar mistakes <3*

Anger, pleasure, sorrow, joy, and hatred.

Sekido and Zohakuten were very much alike, just as Urogi and Karaku were. Aizetsu was always the odd one left out, however. But alas, all five shared a common interest and goal.

"Don't you think this is wrong?"

The other four swiveled around, nearly piercing the sorrow demon with their eyes. Well, Sekido and Zohakuten looked angry, while Urogi and Karaku looked amused.

"Don't piss me off more than you already have. She's this close to being in our grasp!" to emphasize, Sekido pinched his fingers together. Zohakuten nodded, while the other two giggled to themselves.

Aizetsu had a bad feeling, but he too couldn't deny the strong feelings.

They could all smell her. It was such a shame she was human, though. Maybe they could obtain permission to change her later on. The scent of her blood made it easy to follow her path, getting closer and closer to the small village she lived in.

Karaku regretted hurting Y/N, but she wouldn't blown the whistle if he hadn't intervened. He took pleasure out of making her bleed, anyway.

"I can...smell her sorrow," Aizetsu began, zeroing in on the trail of tears staining the dirt. The others looked back to him, and then motioned him to lead the way. "She's crying, more than I ever sensed before. We need to be gentle—"

"—A few sensual touches will wipe those tears away, no? There's no point in being gentle, anyway. She'll still want to run away." Karaku crosses his arms, while also fantasizing about his beloved Y/N. While pleasure could mean a lot of things, it meant everything to Karaku. The pleasure of defeating an opponent, fixing something broken, or even the sexual side of things.

Urogi was awfully quiet, picking away at the chips in his horns. His feathers would quiver with each thought relating to Y/N. They briefly shared a moment of joy together, but that was shortly before she learned the truth. He almost felt a sense of sorrow, but quickly brushed it aside.

"She's just over this hill, down in the village. Her sorrow is becoming more sparse." the sorrow demon continued to lead, quickening his pace while the others followed.

They descended down the hill, their eyes squinting at the village lights below. Multiple people walked about, presumably celebrating some human holiday. So many scents relating to joy, sorrow, anger, hatred, and pleasure were clouding Y/N's whereabouts. No longer could Aizetsu smell her.

"...Let's spread out. She's weak. Act with haste, or you'll all regret it." Zohakuten clicked his tongue, walking towards the village first. He snatched a passing villager, ripping their cloak away from their body. Then, he adorned the piece of fabric himself before stepping into the crowd of villagers.

Following their leader's actions, the remaining four were now hidden from the public eye. They branched out, scanning the crowd for the familiar hair and fabric of Y/N. After twenty minutes of searching, she still wasn't discovered.

"Just where could she be hiding...?" Aizetsu asked himself, walking inside abandoned barn. The wooden planks supporting the structure were rotted, threatening to break and collapse if someone were to lean against them. Just then, he heard a sniffle from the balcony above.

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