Wrong Answer 💚🍋

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Tanjiro Kamado x Reader


"I found you...I've finally..."

His calloused fingers brushed over your cheek, gentle like silk. You wheezed desperately, yearning for more air to pass through your lungs. Months spent running, but you just couldn't do it anymore. Tanjiro always did have a keen sense of smell, and had fooled everyone around him with his supposed heart of gold. It was nothing but charred and black.

"I didn't mean to hurt you, Y/N— nothing a few tonics can't fix, right?"

Tanjiro planted a gentle kiss on your forehead, both of your eyelids, and finally on your blood stained lips. He didn't mind the blood, nor the way you squirmed underneath him.

The box on his back shook, and the lid started to be pushed open. Tanjiro sighed, allowing Nezuko to climb out. She planted her feet on the ground, humming when she saw you laying there next to to Tanjiro's feet.

"Nezuko likes you, too, Y/N."

She smiled, patting your head like a puppy. All you could do was stare up, helpless. You never would have known the little girl was in on it, too. Thinking more about it, she probably aided Tanjiro in finding you.

She, too, looked innocent like her brother. Her pink eyes flickered up and down your body, but of course, she didn't spare a second glance to the blood. Nezuko caressed your hair with her nails, smiling when you leaned away in fear.

His nose twitched at the heavy iron in the air, and then he frowned. Nezuko quickly climbed back inside the box, but blew a kiss in your direction before doing so.

"Come, Y/N. Let's find somewhere dark for Nezuko to rest," As if you were a piece of paper, he carried both you and Nezuko throughout the woods. You cried to yourself, and began sobbing when Tanjiro only cooed in your ear. "I have some snacks if you're hungry? Y/N?" He stopped walking, and his dark red eyes stared down at you. Tanjiro didn't like how you leaned away, nor didn't bother to wipe away the tears. Instead, his calloused fingers swiped them along his fingertips.

"Ah...all better. Nezuko doesn't like hearing you cry, as do I. Smile for us, okay?"

With each step, his Hanafuda earrings swung back and forth. To distract yourself from the pain, you watched them. You used to think they symbolized Tanjiro's determination and commitment. Now, you weren't so sure anymore. You hoped his crow would come calling soon, because then he'd be forced to abandon you somewhere.

A cabin to the north started to become larger and larger with each step. You prayed he wouldn't settle there, yet he did. He whistled upon opening the door, and seeing it completely abandoned. Shutting the door, and then after closing the window shutters, Nezuko climbed out of the box.

"Nezuko, go rest towards the back, alright?"

She giggled, and went towards the back of the cabin. You could no longer hear her footsteps, and almost wished you could be alone with Nezuko instead of Tanjiro.

"Can I undo your kimono, Y/N?" Even though he asked, Tanjiro still leaned forward without your approval. His nimble fingers reached for the bindings, ignoring your gasp of surprise. The cloth billowed around your sitting form, and gathered into a pile on the wooden floor. You stared up at Tanjiro, face going white.

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