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New York looked so beautiful from the enormous windows of Winter's spacious apartment. Her apartment was exquisite, she had only moved in two months ago and it still felt like brand new. She owned a large bookcase brimming with colourful books which was fixed in her bedroom. Her bed was beside it, she even had some books under her bed and near it. You could say that she was a big bookworm but if you looked close enough, the majority of them were piano books, filled with sheet music for almost millions of songs. She usually played well-known songs from bands like The Beatles and Coldplay as she wasn't a fan of really old compositions. Why not just live in the present instead?

Her bedroom was evidently the most cramped room of the otherwise deserted apartment but she liked that. It was the only place that her mind would be at rest and she found it better to write music in that room also.

The best part of her room was her wardrobe which was close to her bookshelves. She liked it because on the side of it, she had string draped from edge to edge. Hanging from the string by little pins were minuscule, glossy photographs that were a basic document to her exciting life. Many were with friends, others were with family and some were just focused on herself. Like the one were she was situated on a mountain, for instance. On the complete opposite side of her bedroom was her piano but it wasn't a grand one, much to her dismay, no, it was just a plain keyboard.

Winter was a very positive person, she often explained that she got it from her parents. Her parents were eccentric which was visibly evident by the what they had named her. Winter was her mother's favourite season and unsurprisingly, it was Winter's too.

It was now 12:27 and Winter was curled up on her bed, her head engrossed in a novel from her bookshelf. She was reading to pass the time as she had been awoken much too early. She was awake at 7am because of the new couple moving into the apartment opposite hers. The noise of the hustling and bustling of boxes being constantly picked up and dropped back on the ground again was way too loud for Winter to sleep through. She didn't mind though. Reading was an enormous enjoyment to her so she just smiled while her fingers traced the covers of each preferable book.

She was incredibly excited for the night to come. Her dream was to always work as pianist in New York and here she was. Her night shift began tonight and would continue every Saturday evening until decided otherwise. She was being paid to perform while guests to the restaurant dined and she couldn't have asked for better.

Her birthplace was England so it was understandable for her to be so excited for the opportunity to be in such a prosperous city of New York. She just hoped that it all worked out but the ambitious tiger inside of her was eager to present her skills that she had been working on for so long to the audience at the restaurant later that night. She was ready.

It was 12:15 and Harry was still fast asleep. His hair was sprawled on the pillow that his head was rested upon. The breaths escaping his slightly agape lips were making his chest heave up and down rhythmically. His right hand was rested on his stomach, which was hidden by the snowy sheets of the hotel room's bed linen. The palm of his left hand was facing upwards beside him and he had been position that way for the past 7 hours, not getting to sleep until around 5am.

There was 5 more minutes until the loud ringing of his mobile on the bedside table woke him. He huffed in annoyance while stretching his arms out into the air above him before bringing his hands to his face to wipe his tired eyes. The phone rang once more as he reached out and grabbed it briskly. He clicked the answer and distinctively deposited it to his ear.

"Yes?" He answered quickly, "Yes, Niall, you have just woke me up. No, I'm not going back to bed."

He still holds the phone to his ear as he steps from his bed in just ebony boxers. His feet pad to the bathroom and he switches the hot water of the shower on, letting it warm up properly.

"Well, I'm getting a shower now so I'll meet you in 15 minutes." He didn't even wait for a reply before hanging up on him, undressing and stepping into the now humid shower.

He washes his hair plus body and then exits the shower. His mind momentarily decides that it would be quicker to dry his hair using the hairdryer in the bathroom so he does just that. His emerald eyes scan his watch.

"Shit." He mumbles, pacing into the bedroom and pulling dark jeans over his legs before grabbing the first shirt he could find in his wardrobe. His feet are soon covered in his signature mud-coloured boots and he is out of the door in record time.

His hotel was based in Boston as he had played a concert, within his group One Direction, there the following night. He had stupidly decided to go out for drinks with Niall afterwards which was the main reason to why he got to bed so late and why he felt so much like the definition of shit. But he just hoped it would go by the nighttime.

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