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"How did you know that I wasn't in my apartment last night?" Winter clues to Cam with an eyebrow raised as soon as she had brought their coffees to their table.

"Well, I knocked about twelve times late last night and after that, I just figured you weren't ignoring me. You must have been out somewhere." Her friend explains and Winter nods.

"Why were you knocking late at night, anyway? Was there something wrong?" Winter asks, concerned but Cam's lips turn into an incredibly large smile. "You're smiling. Why are you smiling?" She asks, puzzled.

"Well, I may have had company with me." Cam smirks at her and Winter's eyes almost pop out of her head.

"You brought Kylie?" Winter clues in disbelief and Cam nods. "What happened? Did you actually ask her out?"

"I was thinking about our coffee meeting yesterday and I decided that I should just go for it so I text her asking whether she wanted to go on a date. She replied almost instantly agreeing so I just booked a restaurant. We had drunk quite a bit of alcohol and I came up with the idea of us both visiting you at that time. Not a smart decision, I know." Cameron explains while pushing her hair from her face.

"You two weren't the only ones intoxicated last night." Winter mumbles, not necessarily wanting Cam to hear her but her eyes light up in surprise.

"Winter, you still need to explain what happened and where you were last night." Her eyebrow raises at Winter again and Winter sighs.

"Harry happened." Winter chuckles and Cam's jaw almost drops to the ground.

"Oh my god, you were with him?" Cam's voice raises and Winter hesitantly nods. "I need details!"

"He came to the restaurant that I was playing in. Niall, Louis, Liam and his girlfriend and Harry's girlfriend was there. I mean, I only noticed them halfway through but I met them all again after. Harry's girlfriend left early so I got to speak to Harry and we, urm, you know, hit it off again." Winter peered back to Cameron to see her mouth still wide open.

"Wait, hold on a minute." She gestures her hands out to stop Winter from talking further. "Did he cheat on his girlfriend with you?"

"No, no! I can see why you think that but I think they split that night because her stuff was gone from his hotel room. If her stuff was there, I can assure you that I would have left." Winter explains and she nods understandingly.

"Hotel room, eh? Did you have a nice time?" Cam winks and Winter blushes.

"Yes." She mumbles in reply and Cam bellows in laughter.

"In all seriousness, I am really happy for you. You deserve this more than anybody."

"When did you become all serious?" Winter questions, playfully. Cam just smirks.

"So when is the next time you'll see him?" She asks Winter and she shrugs.

"I have no idea. I hope it's soon."

"I think it'll be easy for you two, though. You know, to start again because you know nearly everything about each other already and you obviously really love one another. Well, I know you love him. You've loved him non-stop for the past few years. I'm not stupid, Winter, I could tell." Winter rolls her eyes. "Anyway, I'm losing the point here. I just want to tell you that I am incredibly happy that you are now good and I think that we should celebrate tonight by getting a few drinks in that bar by your home." Cam winks playfully but Winter comically sighs.

"I just knew that was leading to going out and drinking, Cam." She states giggling.

"Hey, that's what friends are for."

The coffee trip lasts no more than half an hour before Cam and Winter both go their separate ways. Not before planning to see each other later that day for a get-together. Winter even hinted on Cameron bringing Kylie with her and she nodded with a beam.

Once Winter gets home, she finds herself waiting for her mobile to ring. Mainly so there's a possibility of Harry ringing her. Who was she kidding? He was getting on a plane! Of course, he wouldn't ring her. But she still held onto the hope of getting any kind of message.

"How's it going, Styles?" Liam greets, cheerfully as a tired-looking Harry paces into their waiting area of the airport.

"Great. Really great actually, Liam." He smiles to Liam and he returns. Harry's hair was annoying him but he couldn't find a hair tie so he had to just cope with it hanging loose. The curls were getting incredibly long and they hung over his shoulders like ropes of a jungle belonging to Tarzan.

"That's good to hear." Liam replies before Sophia engulfs him in another conversation.

"What's up lads?" Louis shouts as him and Niall approach them. "I've just been on the phone to Zayn, he's in Philadelphia now."

"Good good." Liam comments while Louis puts his suitcase beside his.

Harry glances at Niall to see him smirking wildly at Harry. He just rolls his eyes at the boy's childish nature.

"You have more to discuss about last night, Harry." Niall states to him, making Harry rolls his eyes once more.

"Hey, it's private." Harry playfully remarks, making Niall chuckle.

"Whatever you say, my friend." The blond-haired man replies, "What's happening with Jessica?"

Harry sighs, "We're over. I'm not with her anymore, I'm in love with Winter."

Guilt washes over him when he finishes the sentence. He was over with Jessica before Winter's encounter, wasn't he? Yes, yes he was. It's not like Jessica would have known anyway, she couldn't get anything through that head of hers. He would legitimately not be surprised if he ever found out that she had cheated in any way and that speaks volumes.

"Aw, look at Harry. Being all lovey dovey." Niall goes to pinch his cheek but he turns his head away quick enough. He can't help the flush that rushes over his cheeks.

"Excuse me, your plane is boarding now." An airport hostess comes over and states before they enter security.

When they enter the plane, Harry feels comforted in its cosy interior. Niall gets his laptop out of his bag almost immediately and Harry realizes that he had forgotten to add more movies to his. Dirty Dancing it was.

He clicks play and the opening scene of people dancing promiscuously starts. The whole film adds more memories than the previous viewing yesterday. But this time, he was watching it with a smile on his face as opposed to the frown due to missing Winter the previous day.

Harry felt as though his mood couldn't increase any further.


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